Fall CHM2210

<p>Hey everyone! I will be taking CHM2210 in the fall and I was just wondering if I should take it with Apopnik, Portmess, Schanze or Wagener. I want to know which class I will be able to get an A most easily in because I have only been able to get B's in General Chemistry :( I would appreciate ANY feedback! Thanks! :)</p>

<p>Maybe more recent students can response about Apopnik, but Schanze and Wagener are easier than Portmess, but Portmess is better lecturer than those two.</p>

<p>Schanze’s exams are very very fair… not necessarily easy because we still have typical if not slightly than higher averages (low 70’s). The only bad thing is he is not the best lecturer and doesn’t seem to <em>really</em> care… not that he gives off a vibe of not caring at all… he just seems to be more preoccupied with other things he does, his research, or whatever. He also travels a lot and we have had a substitute lecturer for at least 1/3 of the lectures</p>

<p>D signed up for Portmass because she heard he’s great lecturer, difficult but fair, and she’d come out of there knowing her orgo. Hope that’s true … LOL. She’s also taking Borcat (sp?) for p chem at the same time. She is sooo not my daughter. BTW, her roommate is choosing Apopnik because she’s had him for chem for engineers I believe and likes him (it’s either that or her Big has had him, can’t remember which), but suffice it to say he was liked. :)</p>


<p>Does anyone have any specific info on Wagener? I’m trying to decide between him and Portmess as ATM Aponick and Schanze are full.</p>



<p>I guess he improved since I took him. Half the class was failing back then.</p>

That’s scary. :frowning: But isn’t that typical of orgo. I remember many moons ago when I took it half the class failed, pretty much no matter who they took.</p>




<p>No. Orgo is not that hard of a class, for the most part.</p>