Fall Frosh Class is only 49.4% instate. Wow!

<p>This was mentioned in another thread, but thought it needed its own thread so it could be more easily found for later reference…</p>

<p>[2011</a> At A Glance: New Freshmen Enrollment | OIRA](<a href=“http://oira.ua.edu/d/content/glance/2011-glance-new-freshmen-enrollment]2011”>http://oira.ua.edu/d/content/glance/2011-glance-new-freshmen-enrollment)</p>

<p>This year’s instate percentage for freshmen is only 49.4%</p>


<p>That AA enrollment for frosh is almost 13%…745 AA frosh</p>

<p>The Hispanic enrollment for frosh is 2.6% (still too low, but moving upwards) 148 frosh</p>

<p>Asian enrollment is 1.6% (still low, but an improvement.) 93 frosh</p>

<p>Alaskan Native/American Indian 1.7% …98 Frosh</p>

<p>Hawaiian/Pacific …11 frosh…2%</p>

<p>Minority numbers are about about 16.5%…better…and it’s something Bama is working on. </p>

<p>The engineering enrollment for frosh is 14.7% 851 frosh!<br>
Auburn must be shaking in its boots! It has to see that it’s position as “the engineering school” in Alabama is clearly being challenged big-time. </p>

<p>401 frosh in (pre)Nursing.
I think that’s an increase. If so, the new facilities would certainly have impacted that.</p>

<p>1,058 in (pre)business.
I think that’s an increase, too. Has anyone heard of any new expansion plans for the B-school? It would seem like that would be needed and on the horizon somewhere, unless the current facilities were not at full capacity. </p>

<p>361 frosh in Education.
I had the pleasure of speaking to the College of Education’s PR director, and she said that the recent years has seen a huge uptick in the test scores for their Ed students. This is a big deal. Across this country, the SAT scores of Ed majors at various univs are often lowish compared to the rest of the school (this was highlighted in a study done several years ago, to the embarrassment of many.) This past occurence has been the result of the fact that the Col of Ed at various colleges has been female-heavy for decades and females with higher scores were heading more to STEM and health-related majors. So, the fact that higher stats kids are now choosing Education at Bama is good news. Certainly, the scholarship offers have helped this trend. </p>

<p>126 frosh are from foreign countries. Don’t know what the past trend has been for that, but it seems like an increase.</p>

<p>Wow, more than half of the new frosh are out of state! That spells much more money for UA to do even more things to upgrade the school. Excellent news. Also noticed that the avg. ACT score for 2010 is listed as 25.3 at this link: </p>

<p>[Undergraduate</a> Education Performance Indicators | OIRA](<a href=“http://oira.ua.edu/d/content/reports/undergraduate-education]Undergraduate”>http://oira.ua.edu/d/content/reports/undergraduate-education)</p>

<p>Another place it is listed as 25.1. I wonder if they converted SAT Scores to come up with the higher number at the above link. But no info about Fall 2011’s avg. ACT/SAT, or its avg. GPA.</p>

<p>I find it strange that UA’s OIRA page seems to always be behind. I have to say, Auburn’s page is much more up to date. Parents and potential students might want to see the latest info, and often it just isn’t there at UA’s OIRA.</p>

<p>Impressive numbers!</p>

<p>I was a little concerned with the size of the entering class at the business school, though. At other schools D is looking at (all Big 10 flagships), I’ve heard the business schools are limiting their enrollments because they’re finding they can’t place all the kids if the class sizes get too big. (I guess placement rates affect rankings). As a result, the b-schools are quite hard to get into. Anyone know how many of the kids who start out as pre-business actually end up in Culverhouse?</p>

<p>* Anyone know how many of the kids who start out as pre-business actually end up in Culverhouse? *</p>

<p>Good question. I imagine it’s like any major, a certain number change within the first year…some of those engineering students will change, some of those nursing students will change, etc. </p>

<p>Sea_Tide may know the number of sophs who get accepted into the B-school for jr year.</p>

<p>It looks like the B-school graduates about 1050 seniors per year. From that, it would look like B-school frosh numbers are fine.</p>

<p>Tthe upper division application process is be a way to ensure that CBA students are meeting minimum requirements before moving to higher level courses. Unlike many universities students are directly admitted into the business school, but the upper division application process is required so that all students will have an adequate foundation before starting upper division courses. If one meets the grade and GPA requirements, they will be admitted to the upper division after filling out the [single page] upper division application/major declaration form.</p>


<p>How do you think it works…</p>

<p>do you think that many kids get denied? Or do you think that those who don’t have the grades, don’t bother to apply and change to another major at some point?</p>

<p>The requirement is to have at least 60 credits, a 2.5 GPA (not required for General Business majors) and aa C- or higher in courses that are fundamental for succeeding in upper division business courses, such as English, economics, statistics, business law, basic calculus, accounting, and basic computer applications. If a student doesn’t meet those requirements, they have to retake classes until they meet the requirements. The are also able to transfer to another college at UA or to a different college/university, provided that they would be admitted to that college/university.</p>

<p>I don’t know how many people are not able to enter the upper division of CBA because they don’t meet the minimum requirements, but would think that it is a very small number who can then retake courses to meet the requirements and are admitted in a later semester. UA is not like some universities where students that meet the requirements for the upper division might not be accepted; any UA student who meets the requirements and completes the form will be accepted into the upper division of CBA.</p>


<p>I see. I wonder if that will always be the case. The same with engineering. I know that some schools have minimum SAT or ACT req’ts (at least for math) in order to be accepted to engineering.</p>

<p>My concern was actually the opposite - it wasn’t whether students could get into the upper division (I assumed they would, since the requirements are fairly lax), but whether the school has the ability to place that many graduates if most of the entering class actually sticks with a business major. I.e., are there enough recruiters visiting campus, enough internship opportunities, etc. I’ve heard that other schools have deliberately kept their numbers down in the business schools in order to improve placement rates at the end of the day.</p>

<p>but whether the school has the ability to place that many graduates if most of the entering class actually sticks with a business major.</p>

<p>Oh, I understood that was your concern. That’s why I noted that the B-school graduation numbers are similar to the number of frosh. There shouldn’t be fear that there will be too many B students for jobs it those numbers aren’t rising.</p>

<p>I have to say, seeing 401 pre-nursing students and knowing that only a fraction of those are accepted into the upper division of nursing makes me somewhat nervous going to UA in the fall 2012 as a pre-nursing major myself… I guess things work out and people change majors and such, I’m sure there are tons of people interested in nursing at Bama with the new building and all…The numbers don’t change the fact that I can’t wait for next fall! Roll tide!</p>

<p>seeing 401 pre-nursing students and knowing that only a fraction of those are accepted into the upper division of nursing makes me somewhat nervous going to UA in the fall 2012 as a pre-nursing major myself.</p>

<p>I have a 4.25 GPA and a 30 ACT,</p>

<p>Since you’re a strong student you have nothing to fear. Those who don’t cut it are likely ones who either had a much lower ACT/GPA or got distracted in college with other non-academic priorities. You’ll be fine. </p>

<p>It’s like pre-med…every year hundreds of kids say that they’re pre-med and typically Gen Chem and OChem separate the men from the boys (or the women from the girls to be PC and all) and after a year or so, the number who say that they’re pre-med is cut in half. </p>

<p>Yes…within the first semester or two, some pre-nursing students will realize that a C in pre-reqs isn’t going to cut it. </p>

<p>Does anyone know if the nursing program accepts AP science credits? or do you have to retake?</p>

<p>Anyone in nursing know the above answer?</p>

<p>Just curious- do most of the OOS students pay full OOS tuition or domost of them get scholarships?? just curious!</p>

<p>Since there are about 3000 OOS frosh, and certainly Bama isn’t awarding anywhere close to that in large scholarships to enrolled OOS students, many/most are paying full freight.</p>

<p>Bama enrolls about 500 Presidential Scholars each fall (some of those are NMF/NA). And, probably half are instate. So, I estimate that about 250 are OOS.</p>

<p>Bama doesn’t post the UA Scholar (2/3 tuition) numbers, but I’d guess about 300 of those…and these are all OOS.</p>

<p>Don’t know what the numbers are for athletic scholarships since those can be full-head or partial head and many are instate kids. </p>

<p>So, I would estimate that about 500-700 of the 3000 are getting substantial merit based or athletic scholarships. Substantial being 2/3, full tuition, or NMF/NA scholarships.</p>

<p>Bama certainly couldn’t afford to give the majority of the OOS kids large scholarships.</p>

<p>thanks- I was just curious-I have a junior that is most likely going to Bama -he needs to ge this grades up if he wants any $$$…</p>

<p>I know that many of the OOS students/parents who post here have substantial scholarships so it can lead some to believe that the only reason an OOS student would come to Bama is for the merit scholarships.</p>

<p>However, that’s not true. Bama does get a good number of OOS students who just want the full college experience and their stats may not get them entrance at their own flagships.</p>

<p>At last year’s Parents Weekend, I met 8-10 families all from the same Calif high school. Most of those kids got little or nothing in scholarship money. But, they didn’t get admitted to UCLA or Cal and they wanted the big football school experience. So they “did the math” and found that Bama was about the same price…since UCs are now costing about $31k instate. They flew out as a group in the spring, and all enrolled.</p>

<p>Bama got an uptick in apps from Calif after winning the BCS in Pasadena.</p>

<p>On Move-In Day a fellow parent struck up a conversation with me as he joked about my highly distinctive orange and blue personalized license plates and inquired whether there was a vendetta between my S and I. We then laughed about his daughter whose given name (won’t mention the name for obvious reasons) was along the lines of my alma mater school who is now going to UA paying OOS full freight as a dance major.</p>