Interesting stats

<p>Bama students</p>

<p>•SAT critical reading scores over 700 …10% </p>

<p>•SAT math scores over 700… 7%</p>

<p>•ACT scores over 30…18% </p>

<p>36% had h.s. GPA of 3.75 and higher
16% had h.s. GPA between 3.5 and 3.74</p>

<p>I’m thinking that these numbers are from last school year’s frosh class (Fall 2009)…not the current frosh class. So, the current numbers may be higher. </p>

<p>I’m not sure if “ACT scores over 30” includes 30 or not. If it truly means “over 30”, then if 18% have an ACT of 31 or higher, then that’s pretty good. That means 18% are in the 98th percentile. If the 18% includes those with an ACT 30, that means that those students are in the top 96th percentile…still very good.</p>

<p>488 frosh received the Presidential Scholarship. The numbers for this year’s frosh class may be higher. </p>

<p>Obviously, these high stats kids are not evenly spread out amongst all majors. They are more largely concentrated in about 6-10 majors…which is why those who are majoring in engineering, the hard sciences, math, the classics, business, and other so-called challenging majors are going to have larger concentrations of these students. For instance, at least 323 frosh engineers were in the honors college (this doesn’t include those who qualify but didn’t apply to honors). About 695 freshmen were engineering majors, but as we all know, a number of these students change their majors once they realize the curriculum is too difficult. </p>

<p>I am looking forward to seeing the Fact Book stats for this year’s frosh class. That data should be out soon.</p>

<p>If they are having to open up more honors housing this year to accommodate all the additional honors students, then that’s gotta mean this year’s class is stronger. :slight_smile: IMHO, anyway.</p>


<p>Do you mean because they didn’t let as many returning (non-NMF) honors students choose honors housing for next year?</p>

I think LadyD is referring to the conversion of the 4th floor of Ridgecrest South-North to honors housing.</p>