Family Orientation

I have spent the last hour trying to find information about the specific Schedule for “Family Orientation” - which occurs concurrently with the Freshman Orientation. I tried online and the App - and just can’t find anything. Trying to schedule travel. Thanks so much.

Check this link:

If the app hasn’t loaded the schedule yet, call new student programs and they can probably email you a PDF. If I recall, it wasn’t posted until June last year.

Not sure how that would impact travel though. Family sessions are on the same days as the student sessions - you are together as a large group 1st thing in the AM on first day, then students go one way and parents go the other. You’re back together later in the day for a while, then students stay overnight on campus. 2nd day you will meet up with your student for an advising session and then they will get their schedules and you’re done by lunchtime-ish.

For last year, you just registered as an extra guest when you registered your DC for their registration. After check-in, parents were directed upstairs in the auditorium and students were directed downstairs for the opening session. The poster above outlines it pretty well.

Family guests registered at the same time as the student registration - and pay the $35 guest fee. I believe we all start at Lane Stadium and disperse from there this year.

You’ll meet at Lane, get handed a bag full of stuff, hop on a bus and parents sit upstairs in the auditorium and kids sit downstairs for initial presentation. Then starts a very long (but informative) day.

And whatever you do, don’t forget to have your student take a printed copy of their transcript(s) with them if they took any DE coursework in HS or directly through a CC. It takes a long time for admissions/registrar/advising to get that info into all their systems, so chances are good that advising won’t have that yet. So students will need to have that info in hand for their advising session on the 2nd day.

Where is the auditorium?

Thx @shenval18

I actually went in yesterday and printed unofficial high school, community college (dual enrollment) schedules and AP exam info (hopefully the May exams will post before July 8 orientation)

When a cc course has an equivalent of like 2xxx. How does guidance go about deciding what 2xxx to give credit for (can they be persuaded to pick on you may need for pathways). Example: There is like an English 2733 that counts as art credit on pathways (creative writing). My son has a dual enrollment English literature class that shows a link to tech as English 2xxxx. If guidance gives him 2733 credit he will avoid that art requirement. Otherwise some other arbitary 2xxxx class will do him no good.

@cbl1 Last year the opening presentation was in Moss Arts Center if I am recalling correctly.

Double check with advising and the registrar, but I am pretty sure if the transfer equivalent has a “xxx” suffix that means there’s not a direct equivalent, so it could be used as free elective credits - so he would still be transferring credit hours that would count towards graduation but it would eat up one of the free elective courses he could have chosen along the way.