Farmer average salary data

Does anyone know where we could find average salaries for recent grads from the Farmer School of Business? I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find anything. Most top schools have this readily available.

I am also wondering about this. I have been looking for the same information, and cannot seem to find anything.

@AUNDOME Keep in kind when you look at recent grad salary data for any school that it is heavily affected by the salaries being paid in the immediate area and state. For example in CA there are some very mediocre state schools that have very high recent grad salaries simply because they are located in places like San Jose where high paying jobs grow on trees and it costs a fortune to live.


How about this. The numbers for IU biz school are skewed because they include Cody Zeller, who signed a multimillion dollar NBA contract. :slight_smile:

@yourmomma Cody Zeller did indeed have a big effect on Indiana University’s recent grad salary average. They moved up to average pay of 3 bushels of corn per hour. Not bad!