<p>What's the best club you've ever done? And why...</p>
<p>My school’s Go green! club was my favorite. Not so much because I cared about the environment, but because the club did a world of projects that I’d never noticed before and that I really liked participating in. There were programs they ran for elementary students that I never knew existed, and some things, like the management of ALL of the school’s recycling, that I’d just figured the night janitors did along with all of the other things that got done but that I never witnessed.</p>
<p>Model Un = awesome</p>
<p>Theatre. Too many reasons.</p>
<p>I like my metal club. It took me a good while to make. The wooden club broke after I clubbed too many baby seals.</p>
<p>History Club. I’m a history geek so I always found going to historic trips extremely fun. Plus, the group is really fun to hang out with so that added a lot to it.</p>
<p>Model UN. Looooove it.</p>
<p>What the hell even is model un? My school doesn’t have it</p>
<p>The best club I’ve done is my school’s Environmental Club.
Every Thursday, we would go around the school and
collect the recycling from the
classrooms. I always did it
with my best friend, and it was actually kind of fun. We did some great projects, too
like cleaning a local stream.</p>
<p>it’s a tie for me between:
- marching band
I’m a band geek at heart</p>
<li>art club, even though I’m an absolutely terrible artist and have never taken an art class in high school. I became a member because a lot of my friends were in it and I ended up really liking it! It’s like art class without the pressure of a grade.</li>
<p>seriously, model UN could be a club in HS? what do you do? I’m very curious.</p>
<p>Model UN is a simulation of the actual United Nations. Basically, high school students gather together at conferences (some small, some pretty big) and get into committees like in the UN, and create resolutions to solve problems happening currently in the world (and sometimes in the past if you’re in special/crisis committees). I’m kinda nerdy because I think it’s fun My school goes to a few conferences every year, the biggest being either NAIMUN in Washington DC hosted by Georgetown, where there are usually 3000+ people, or ILMUNC in Philadelphia hosted by UPenn, which has around 2300 people. The conferences are actually pretty fun, you meet some really cool people, and the delegate dance ain’t half bad either :P</p>
<p>FIRST robotics. Duh.</p>
The smartest and funniest people I have ever met. I’m surprised I haven’t died from laughing yet.</p>
<p>MUN and science Olympiad ( the same kids do all the clubs so it 's soo much fun)</p>
<p>Science Bowl. I’m a buzzer addict.</p>
<p>how hard would you think it’d be to start a debate club?</p>
<p>Theater Tech is a party</p>
<p>thank you for telling me about model UN. I thought it was something you have to do in U.S. It sounds very intereting. If my HS has it I’ll do it.</p>