@luneytunes No, some people said before that they got their scores even though it didn’t say tested so there’s hope! Btw mine still says registered too!
:(( :(( :((
Might I not get my scores at midnight even if my account says “tested”?
If your status is “tested,” you will receive your scores in the first batch, most likely in 27 minutes.
FWIW: I took the September test (when scores weren’t released until the following morning) and no one had their status changed to tested the night before.
…I’m falling asleep waiting for these scores. I might not make it 22 more minutes. Ugh.
Yay…mine says “tested” so maybe staying up is worth it.
With scores being (for most people) 20 minutes away, let me just say… You are more than just a number. You are more than just a number. You are more than just a number. In no way is this test indicative of your intelligence. That being said, good luck to everyone!
Max is a noob
:eyes trying to close:
still registered. sobs - praying that they’ll be up tomorrow morning! ^:)^
@fairagoura Maybe they are such wonderful scores that they are waiting to release them so we won’t all be insanely jealous.
@kikidee9 lol I’m loving the positivity we need a lot more of that on this thread is your username from Just Go With It? just wondering .
Scores are up!!!
@fairagoura ding ding ding…you win the prize. First one to see my fascination with Mr. A Sandler.
@sabato7 what? really???
Omg I’m so happy I got the score i wanted!!!
liar…liar…well you know the rest.
…confused. Y’all are funny…but don’t give me a heart attack.
Sabato is messing with us. Disregard him/her.
It really irritates my how my scores are right there but I can’t see them…
are you serious, @sabato7 ?