<p>I have had my fed aid loans suspended with no appeal. I usually get good grades, however because my Grandson drowned this last yr., I had to drop one of my classes. I was then put on student loan suspension. This fall I appealed that suspension and won. I had to sign a piece of paper stating that I could not withdraw or get an incomplete or a f in any classes or I would be on loan suspension without any appeals. I was incorrectly advised to take on 16 credits for fall. I am in the para legal program. I couldn't keep up with an online computer class and therefore, got a F for a grade. I got B is all my other classes. I talked with the online teacher, telling her I couldn't keep up. Knowing I couldn't keep up and not being able to withdrawl or take an incomplete, made my stress even worse. I am now on loan suspension with no appeal. Ugggh. I needed that extra money to live on. Is there any way to deal with this death sentence. My tuition and books are paid for by Pell. But, now I have no extra money to live with. I am on SSI and have a very limited income. Any information you can give me will be helpful.</p>