Fellows invitations releasing 1/31!

DD just got an email that it will be in the Acorn account by 5 pm tomorrow.

We got the same email. DD has already decided to attend Elon, and she would be over the moon to be an Honors or Business fellow! The programs sound amazing, and seem to complement the Elon curriculum. Good luck everyone!

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Is the acorn account the same one where admission notices were posted? I think there’s some kind of “trak “ portal too??

Just so I’m clear, this is the invitation to attend the fellows weekend and interview? It’s not an acceptance into the program?

@bshore Correct.

My DS applied to Comm and leadership fellows. Does anyone knows how many students get invites and how many are accepted? Would be sad to pay to travel across country for fellows weekend, trying to get financial aid, and then not get accepted. Any insight?

@mckennam22 I don’t know but would love to. Well, website says 30 com fellows and 25 leadership fellows, but I have no idea how many they invite. Of course, some of the selected students take a pass, so that Complicates things, too. Erg.

@mckennam22 I was curious about the numbers as well. D applied for Teaching Fellows and they ultimately end up with 25, but I was wondering how many interview. Maybe my D will send an email asking if she gets an invitation tomorrow.

My son applied for Scholars program but applied overall for RD so he has not received the acceptance or denial yet. He did get an email that said:
“Invitations to participate in a Scholars Program will be released on a rolling basis beginning February 5th with final notification by April 1st.”
I wonder if they will consider both of his applications together or once they get a nod from admissions they will consider his Scholars app

No update for us, has anyone heard yet?

In 2018 573 students were at the Fellows weekend.


@peacelovejoy - thanks for the article.

so it’s past 5… and nothing has updated on my daughter’s acorn account and no emails… does this mean she isn’t getting an invitation?

@Mel2020 - that’s what we are wondering too.

nothing here either.

nothing yet, hope even if it’s a no there is some type of confirmation

Kinda ridiculous that they’d say by 5 and have no communication either way.

Especially since their timeline said the date for invitations was February 1st…they chose to place this expectation on themselves by sending January 31st in the email.

I’m actually surprised that many are invited to the fellows/scholar weekend.

Nothing yet either…

@cheers2020 Do you know how many are invited for each program (ie, Business Fellows etc.)