Fever? Cough? Congestion?

<p>Is something going around? Especially the dorms. In other words are there several sick people or rare? Whatever it is you'll be immune when it's over!</p>

<p>Its really going around. A bunch of people in my suite and house have it and so do I</p>

<p>A very high fever? Say, 103 on Advil might be getting to Health Services time. And can you delay test taking since you are not supposed to be running around infecting other people? (Or do you have to have photos of your appendix being removed to get any sympathy.)</p>

<p>Right in the beginning of the year, EVERYONE in the dorms gets sick because everyone moves in and is in such close proximity to each other. This happened last year too. Like everyone I knew in ERC was sick.</p>

<p>my friends got sick too.</p>

<p>i had a 101 fever earlier this week, stayed home a few days. seems like something is going around</p>

<p>I am in Sixth and luckily escaped a bug that was going around and sent most of the suite (who live in Southern CA) home for last weekend…
my roommate is still sick but refuses to do anything about it</p>


<p>Alot of people have been sick. Over half the ERC reshall RAs got sick, and whatever it is has been running through my hall pretty quickly.</p>

<p>My roommate got sick from one of his classes and got me sick.</p>

<p>You too, Stan? So are my roommate and the Indian. I fear for myself…</p>

<p>I got Bronchitis last year from two of my friends/suitemates :slight_smile: mm UCSD dorms <3 I was in bed for 2 weeks then ended up getting antibiotics from UCSD’s Health Care Center</p>