<p>1.) Is it difficult to find parking on campus? More specifically I’m thinking about spaces near Sci Lec. Around 11 am and 5 pm.</p>
<p>2.) Do “C” permits allow one to park at Visitor Parking spots/lots? (Ex: Miller/Primero lot)</p>
<p>3.) How do carpool permits work? Do they give us multiple permits if we switch around driving and are there designated spots that we are only allowed to park at?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<li>Unless you’re parking in the Silo parking structure across from Hutchinson Field, yes! Lot 40 fills up quickly (next to Lot 41, which is for A permits only until 5pm). </li>
<p>2) Yes. </p>
<li>Not sure. And yes, if you have a certain type of permit, you are only allowed to park in those designated spots. For example, C permits cannot park in spots designated for A permits until after 5pm (afterward, both C and visitor permits can park in A permit-designated lots), and C permits also cannot park in spaces designated for carpool permits. </li>