Few Questions Regarding Berk..

<p>Hello all. I'll be applying for Junior transfer for Fall 2009 from Rutgers to Berkeley's Haas school of business. From the looks of it there's not much of a shot, but simply put- Berkeley's my dream school. I'll get right into it:
First question- I am aware Haas only offers one major- Business Administration. I have started my personal statement and stated my intent to major in Business Management. Is this okay?
Next, Haas requires one Intro Business course as a prerequisite. I have not taken Intro to Business, but I wonder Intro to Financial Accounting qualifies?? Also, how lenient is admissions in converting classes to fulfill the 7 breadth requirement? I am aware that most are not eligible in their fulfillment of such courses and prerequisites and their application is not even reviewed.
Last, since I am a Junior transfer, how will they know I fulfilled my foreign language requirement when the application does not ask for high school grades? I took 3 years of spanish in high school, and haven't taken one since.<br>
Thank you guys</p>

<p>Your questions are very specific. I would call Haas directly.</p>

<p>They are! Problem for me is that they are closed for the holiday til December 1st. Ahh. I am applying to Haas spur of the moment and going for the gold! Any help or even attempt at it is appreciated</p>

<p>Your specific terminology won’t matter. However, I don’t think they’ll be very lenient when it comes to pre-requisites. They turn down thousands of applicants each year due to lack of “proper preparation”.</p>

<p>I see. Anyone know the the answer to this question specifically?: Since I am a Junior transfer, how will they know I fulfilled my foreign language requirement when the application does not ask for high school grades? I took 3 years of spanish in high school, and haven’t taken one since.</p>


<p>McGuigs, There is personal statement prompt that allows you to enter any additional comments that you have. It is Prompt three. This would be the place where you can explain your foreign language situation.</p>

<p>Heres the Haas transfer requirements: [Undergraduate</a> Program - Transfer Admission - Haas School of Business](<a href=“http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/Undergrad/transfer_eligibility.html]Undergraduate”>http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/Undergrad/transfer_eligibility.html)</p>

<p>If you click on the side links and click application and selection you will find a pie chart listing how much they weigh certain components of the application.</p>

<p>not intended to be repetitive, but it should be self-explanatory that not having fulfilled a prerequisite = not being considered at all</p>

<p>but I can’t apply to both Haas: Business administration as my major and a Berkeley Letters and Science: Economics degree as an alternate?</p>

<p>^ Correct; you can’t.</p>

<p>You fulfill the foreign language requirement with your high school foreign language classes. You should have sent your high school transcript to your community college, so they have it on file.</p>