Is Haas transfer even possible?!

<p>Hey guys. I'm looking for advice about the curriculum to transfer to UCB Haas school of business. There's contradictory information on the website. It says, "All applicants must satisfy the minimum eligibility requirements. The Haas School of Business will not evaluate applications from students who do not fulfill these requirements," (on the Application and Selection page) but also states, "All courses required for admission must be completed by the end of the Spring semester prior to starting at the Haas School of Business." (on the admission eligibility page) So, I'm just freaking confused. </p>

<p>Does it mean you have to finish all Haas prerequisites before even applying, and finish breadth before actually starting fall semester after being admitted? Or, can I still take Haas prerequisites while I'm applying.</p>

<p>I'm at UCSC right now, and there isn't an introductory business course offered.</p>

<p>If you guys could help me get this sorted out, I would really appreciate it. I'm just freaking out right now because spring quarter starts tomorrow and I still need to get everything organized. I tried calling Haas last week, but they were on spring break. </p>

<p>Fall Quarter:
Calculus 1 (prerequisite)
Chem 1A (physical sciences breadth)
English 2 (satisfies C2 requirement at UCSC, R1B at UCB? [R1A was satisfied with AP exam])</p>

<p>Winter Quarter:
Intro Macroeconomics (prerequisite)
Intro Microeconomics (prerequisite)
Calculus 2 (prerequisite)
Human Health & Nutrition (biological sciences breadth)</p>

<p>Spring Quarter:
English Language Studies - Romanticism (literature prerequisite)
History of Modern Europe (historical studies breadth)
Calculus 3 (prerequisite)</p>

<p>So, if I take those courses spring quarter, I would still need</p>

Principles of Business</p>

Arts and Literature
International Studies
Philosophy and Values
Social and Behavioral Sciences</p>

<p>I would take the Stats course this upcoming quarter (spring) but it interferes with my RA class... So, I'm not sure what to do. I might try to take the Intro to Business course at a CC this summer, but I'm afraid it won't be offered. Also, it might be really hard to register for classes what with the budget cuts and decreased amount of classes offered. </p>

<p>Could I take stats fall quarter next year? It would be during the time I'm applying...</p>

<p>Sorry, it's long... haha.</p>

<p>It just means that you have to fulfill all the Haas prerequisites prior to attending UCB your desired year. So this means you can still be taking Haas prereqs while applying but this will also lower your chances if you intend to take a lot of the prereqs the spring semester/quarter.</p>

<p>You can still have classes outstanding, you just have to all all of them finished by end of spring 2010, if that’s the year you plan to attend. I would make sure to complete most of the pre-reqs before applying or at least have them IP when you aplly in the fall, then knock off the breadth. I am sure you can pick up an intro to bus course. What CCC are you near?</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies, guys. I called Haas today and they said that they don’t expect students to finish the prerequisites before applying. I’m allowed to finish them by the end of my sophomore year. They deny a lot of applicants because many applicants don’t indicate on their application the correct courses that they plan to take to satisfy the requirements. </p>

<p>They also said that there isn’t a principles of bus. class at UCSC, so I’d have to take the course this summer or during the next school year at a community college. I’m going to try to get it at either De Anza, West Valley, Evergreen Valley, or Cabrillo this summer…</p>

<p>I was just freaking out… I could have just waited until today and not have posted anything.</p>