<p>What's supposed to go in there? Like, a picture of something I'm interested in? Or am I supposed to draw something in? Or am I supposed to write stuff?</p>
<p>(im talking about the common application supplement)</p>
<p>What's supposed to go in there? Like, a picture of something I'm interested in? Or am I supposed to draw something in? Or am I supposed to write stuff?</p>
<p>(im talking about the common application supplement)</p>
<p>we cant tell you. Its what is appealing to YOU!
Whatever YOU want as long as YOU find it appealing.</p>
<p>whats the first thing that comes to your mind that you enjoy?</p>
<p>uhh.. umm the euro cup? (soccer)</p>
<p>Should I paste a picture of my favorite soccer team or something? Or me playing soccer?</p>
<p>But wouldnt that just look weird on my app?</p>
<p>How would that look weird on your application? If soccer is something you love then it's good to show them that-- especially if that doesn't come through in the rest of your application. Showing diverse interests, including interests outside of academics, is a good thing.</p>
<p>If you're still stuck, you can search for threads about the box. There have been plenty. However, I will warn you (and I say this every single time a thread like this comes up), it is MUCH harder to come up with your own ORIGINAL idea if you have tons of other people's ideas clouding your brain. Just relax and put something that appeals to you-- don't think too much about what the admissions counselors are wanting to see-- and you'll be fine.</p>
<p>Thanks heaps kathryn!</p>
<p>wait,, do u have to draw??? or can u paste a picture that interests u?</p>
<p>you may paste if you so desire</p>
<p>There are three things that you do NOT do:</p>
<p>1) You do NOT put in a grain of Rice.
2) You do NOT put an acceptance letter from Rice.
3) You do NOT write outside of the box "This is where I like to think."</p>
<p>Put something that interests you or you find mildly amusing. My friend put in a fake math proof. Another friend of mine put in a picture of her dog. I minaturized our school's newspaper and pasted it in the box.</p>
<p>As long as you don't think too much about what the admissions office wants to see, and as long as you don't put something cheesy having to do with Rice, you should be fine.</p>
<p>Whatever you do, don't spend a lot of time on it! Just put something!</p>
<p>sex! cmon guys lol</p>
<p>That little bit of comedic genius was so worth resurrecting a thread that died almost three months ago. Bravo.</p>
<p>uhh try three years ago</p>
<p>Oh, wow, you’re right. 27 months, then.</p>
<p>wow, this thread is old…</p>
<p>amen to that.</p>