Filling out UC application as a early HS graduate

In filling out the UC application, I need help with what to put for 11th-grade grades as my daughter is graduating early, she is a junior. The drop-down box does not have an in-progress choice.

Graduating Early from High School

When filling out the online UC undergraduate application for admission and scholarships, list your courses for the last three years of high school in the 10th-, 11th-, and 12th-grade columns. Leave the 9th grade column blank and indicate that you are an “early graduate.

So for 2021-2022, do I enter that still for her freshman year or is there a way to not even have a freshman year on the app? Because if I leave it blank, I get a red exclamation telling me the section is not complete. In 12th grade there is a box for graduating early, is there one in 9th?

If you listed the correct dates for attending the HS 2021-2022 thru 2023-2024, you should be able to skip the 9th grade section, enter 10th grade as 2021-2022, then 11th as 2022-2023 and 12th as 2023-2024 and mark graduating early.

If you have any issues, you should call UC admissions:

[(800) 207-1710](tel:(800) 207-1710) (within the U.S.)
[(925) 298-6856](tel:(925) 298-6856) (outside the U.S.)

I am going to move this discussion to a new discussion thread under UC general since this information is not specific to UC San Diego.