<p>does anyone know what cornell's "estimated cost" for off-campus housing is? i am probably going to live off-campus next year (sr. year) and need to know what ballpark to look in for monthly costs.</p>
<p>FinAid is based on the costs of a double in the dorms, and the Bear Traditional meal plan. How you actually spend that money is up to you</p>
<p><a href=“https://www.finaid.cornell.edu/costs/[/url]”>https://www.finaid.cornell.edu/costs/</a></p>
<p>Right but that’s on-campus housing estimates and if you get a single or live on west the amounts are adjusted</p>
<p>Most schools have coa’s for both on and off campus. Are you saying Cornell uses the same amounts for both?</p>
<p>The amounts are not adjusted if you get a single or live on west for financial aid. Your budget can be adjusted, and you can then get loans, but not additional financial aid.</p>
<p>The only way your financial aid gets adjusted for a single is if you request a double and get placed in a single. Then your financial aid amount can increase.</p>
<p>If you live off campus, your financial aid amount will be based on a double and the bear traditional plan as memphismom said.</p>
<p>However, if you end up living in a place that is more, you can probably get your budget adjusted, but that won’t get you more financial aid. Just loans.</p>
<p>My D is currently living in a sorority, which is off-campus housing, and the amount of financial aid was just as memphismom stated and Cornell could really care less what she does with the money.</p>