Final Chance Thread....Chance me for these BADASS SCHOOLS.....

<p>South Asian, live in Houston, Texas</p>

<p>Sat Score(Super Score)
Math- 720
Critical Reading - 750
Reading and Math-1470/1600

<p>Gpa - 3.8 (Unweighted), 93.8/100(weighted)
Rank-86/438----I know this is bad, but my school is compeitive, my counselor said in her rec, that I would have been in top 10 percent in surrounding schools...
****10 A.P. Classes + 7-8 Honors Classes/28 classes total......</p>

<p>A.P. Scores
1. World History-4 (10th grade)
2. U.S. History -4 (11th)
3. Calculus AB - 4 (11th)
4. English Language - 3 (11th)----I know, I know, but I didn't pay attention in class the whole year.....</p>

<p>2008 - Busido Karate-Black Belt
2008 -AP Scholar with Honor
2007 – Hosa Concepts of Health Care Area Competition- 2nd Place
2007- High School Science Fair -2nd Place Environmental Sciences
2006- County Science Fair- 1st Place Overall Ninth Grade Division
2006- County Science Fair –2nd Place Environmental Sciences
2006- High School Science Fair – 4th Place Ninth Grade Division</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities
(2005 – 2009) – Karate Got my black belt
(2005 – 2009) – Youth Group----Mentored people to live more ethical lives....
(2006 – 2009) – Pre-Medical Club in School
(2007 – 2009) - National Technical Honor Society
(2008 - 2009) – National Honor Society</p>

<p>Community Service
2006- Memorial Hospital – 50 Hours
2008 and 2007- 203 Hours at Neurologist Office
2008- 83 Hours at Internal Medicine Office
2005-2009 - Youth Club Volunteer (5 Hours a week)
Total- 340+ Hours</p>

<p>Schools applied to
1. Rice E.D. -Already Rejected
2. UPenn-Cousin goes there --- ( I know this doesn't help me much) (No Chance)
3. Columbia-Dad used to work there----(I know this doesn't help me much) (No Chance)
4. Brown (No Chance)
5. Cornell -College of Arts and Sciences (No Chance)
6. WashU (will get Rejected)
7. Duke (will get rejected)
8. Johns Hopkins (maybe 20 percent chance)
9. Northwestern (maybe 20 percent chance)
10. Vanderbilt (maybe 20 percent chance)
11 Emory (Maybe 20 percent chance)
12 Boston College( I have no idea)
13. Texas A &M - saftey</p>

<p>What are your opinions?
By the way, majoring in economics at the colleges of arts and sciences, not the business schools ....</p>

<p>Lots of views…original title, and no posts???</p>

<p>well im astounded that you got rejected to Rice, which makes me wonder about the other schools, those are FANTASTIC SATs and a 3.8 is good enough for most, so i dont know, you will get into texas tech, and i guess its a 50/50 chance on numbers 6-12.
But, youre dad having worked at columbia does help your chances, they like legacies, it might even help you at UPenn, but i dont know if they look at cousins</p>

<p>good luck dude you deserve to get into those schools and i hope you do </p>

<p>chance me back at
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for the input…any other opinions…</p>

<p>Only 1 real post??..</p>

<p>You already know your chances… but i don’t want to harsh but that weighted gpa plus your class rank are really going to hurt you. From your list, which should’ve had more matches and less reaches and more safeties , the only college you will be accepted to is texas tech.</p>

<p>VERY surprised at the Rice rejection…and I feel bad because my friend with similar if not worse stats than you got in ED. Your own chances seem a little harsh, I would probably lighten up those chances a bit and leave it at that. Why do people keep saying Texas Tech? You applied to Texas A&M…</p>

<p>^^ lol, yah, a&m is my saftey…</p>

<p>I live in Houston, so that, and the fact that I am not in top 10 percent, really killed my chances…</p>

<p>A possible negative on your profile is the Black Belt in Karate. If you are content with Texas A & M, then your safety appears to be a safe bet. Have you read any of your teacher or counselor recommendations? They could be hurting you. Your profile could be significantly refined & enhanced by the use of a professional counselor. Unfortunately, your comment following the English AP score of 3 raises suspicions that your recommendations may be less than stellar. An SAT score of 1470/1600 shows that you can & should be ranked in the Top 10% of your class. Too bad that your dad doesn’t still work at Columbia as I believe that Columbia University employees & their families enjoy tremendous benefits regarding university tuition &, possibly, admission. As posted above, there is nothing to distinguish your application among the thousands received by such prestigious schools. Are you seeking financial aid? Just noticed that your SATs are superscored. Also why in the world do you rate your chances higher at Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins & Emory then at Cornell? In my opinion, your best shot is Cornell. actually, I think that you will get at least a “guaranteed transfer option” from Cornell due to your high SAT scores & geographical diversity.</p>

<p>^^^ Thanks for the helpful analysis ColdWind…</p>

<p>How is my black belt a negative infulence. Just curious. In my common app, short answer, I showed how it taught me humilty, respect, and disipline…</p>

<p>For teacher recommendations, I was allowed to read them.
My calculus A.B. teacher, wrote a very good one, that was very personal to me. talked about my friends who were “overachievers, scholarly, and underachievers”
^^^Talked a lot about how I got along with the full spectrum of students in her class. Marked me down as one of the top 10 percent she has taught…</p>

<p>My U.S. history teacher wrote a generic one, but marked me down as top 5percent in out of all the students she has taught. This one talked about how I enjoyed discussing all aspects of history, ( literature, music, and art of the time period)…Last paragraph kind of summerized my resume…</p>

<p>I am seeking finanical aid, but I thought these schools were need-blind…</p>

<p>I thought I’d have better chances at Northwestern, Vandy, JHU, Emory, then Cornell, becuase Cornell’s Colllge of Arts and Sciences has a 15 percent acceptance rate, I read somewhere, that they recieve 15,000 application,s and accept 2,000…</p>

<p>I’d be really happy if I could get into Cornelll…</p>

<p>As for my superscore sats…</p>

<p>I had a 1450/2150 single setting…(2nd time I took it) 750 C.R., 700 Math, 700 Wrting… October 2008
First time I had a 1350/1930 =-( 630 C.R. , 720 Math, 580 Writing… June 2008</p>

<p>My Sat Subject Tests Scores are</p>

<p>Math 1- 730
U.S. History- 750.</p>

<p>You addressed the black belt issue very well, in my opinion. But your short essay highlighted the black belt & that can raise concerns among some. Unfortunately, many identify martial arts with potential liability and injured students. Yes, many schools practice need blind admissions, but adcoms know where they want to invest school funds & seem to instinctively know which applicants are seeking substantial aid. With respect to Cornell University admissions, you offer geographic diversity & Cornell admits, waitlists & offers guaranteed transfer options (go to another college for one year get all “Bs” or above & there is a guaranteed spot waiting for you at Cornell in the sophomore class).</p>

<p>^^^^ Crap…My parents can pay around 30,000-35,000 to go to these schools…Hope I didn’t make it seem like I will require too many funds…</p>

<p>Are my recommendations all right?..</p>

<p>The only problem is I don’t stand out much from the other applicants, and my class rank is bad, so i agree it is an uphill battle…</p>

<p>What schools do I have the greatest chances at?</p>


<p>What schools am I likely to get into??? BUMP…</p>

<p>I see that your AP Lang score was a 3.</p>

<p>Not that that in itself isn’t bad, but that might mean you can’t write amazing essays. Do you honestly think your big essay was the best thing you’ve ever written?</p>

<p>^ i probably just wrote average essays, but to me they seemed good enough.</p>

<p>But then, again, to the person that wrote the essays their own essays would seem really good…</p>



<p>I think you’re being too hard on yourself, though I am surprised at your rejection from Rice. I’d say you’ve got a pretty decent chance at the others! (though the Ivies may be a bit of a reach)</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>thanks…my class rank, and being south “asian” is killing me… what schools do I have a chance at?..</p>