<p>Wow! What an amazing group of young adults. Kinda makes you (translate: me) wish they could know each other & keep up w/ each other! sigh....</p>
<p>suggestion: when you add to the list, make your addition bold or put it at the top and in the list so we don't have to search the whole thing for the new name.</p>
<p>I'm taking a gap year :)</p>
<p>klc: I have often thought we ought to use this as a modern version of matchmaker for arranged marriages.</p>
<p>Just this minute called the AP Score Reporting service (scores are online NOW) and discovered that my son met his conditional offer requirement for Brasenose College, Oxford University - a 5 in AP Psychology. It has been 6 1/2 months since he got the conditional offer, and since Oxford became his top choice, we've been biting our nails since the day he took the test.</p>
<p>YAHOO! YIPPEE! Rah rah sis boom bah! Brasenose Brasenose rah rah rah! </p>
<h2>(But I'm SURE they don't cheer like that in the UK- he will find out in person!)</h2>
<p>evitajr1's D: Amherst
bogororo: Amherst</p>
<p>Mardad's D : Barnard
churchmusicmom's d: Barnard</p>
<p>janacoop's S: Baylor</p>
<p>jadedog's S: Beloit</p>
<p>momof2inca's S: Berkeley
Somemom's D: Berkeley</p>
<p>kinshasa's S: Boston University</p>
<p>Bettina's D: Brown
ellendhan's S: Brown
Momofthree's S: Brown</p>
<p>Manyhat's S: CalTech
Toshimi's S: CalTech</p>
<p>texastaximom's S: Carleton</p>
<p>rbinaz's D: Chapman University</p>
<p>ohio_mom's S: U. Chicago
Idad's S: U. Chicago
pattykk's D: U. Chicago
chocoholic's D: U. Chicago</p>
<p>Nick12's D: Columbia
jaug1: Columbia
columbiamom2's S: Columbia
09Mom's D: Columbia</p>
<p>Midwesterner's S: Cornell
cnb's D: Cornell
overanxious mother's S: Cornell</p>
<p>cangel's D: Dartmouth
ChrisCuber: Dartmouth
Cubed: Dartmouth
Gracilisae: Dartmouth
jblackboy05: Dartmouth
SJMom2329's S: Dartmouth
Woodworks D: Dartmouth</p>
<p>mom09's S: Davidson</p>
<p>berurah's S: Duke
candace's S: Duke
Faline2's S: Duke
irishforever' S: Duke</p>
<p>wisconsin mom's S: Emory</p>
<p>onlyamom's S: Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering</p>
<p>tlaktan: Georgetown SFS
Redr002's D: Georgetown SFS</p>
<p>marite's S: Harvard
1moremom's S: Harvard
smomb's S: Harvard
Donemom's son: Harvard
princetonwannabe: Harvard
Bandit_TX's D (Lindseylujh): Harvard
cosar's S: Harvard</p>
<p>redbull298: Haverford</p>
<p>Susantm's S: Indiana University: Hutton Honors College/School of Music</p>
<p>Momof5Sons's S: Johns Hopkins University</p>
<p>overseas' S: Lawrence University
marmat103's S2: Lawrence</p>
<p>mom3son's S: Lehigh</p>
<p>kmom's S: Loyola College in Maryland</p>
<p>yermom's D: Middlebury</p>
<p>flstudent: MIT
Texas137's S: MIT
parental unit's S: MIT
mootmom's S: MIT
randomdad's S: MIT
givethemwings's D: MIT
56forceout's S: MIT</p>
<p>Elgin's D: Mount Holyoke</p>
<p>SoozieVT's D: NYU/Tisch/CAP21</p>
<p>sac's niece: Northwestern
OptimizerDad's D: Northwestern (graduate degree)</p>
<p>BassDad's D: Oberlin</p>
<p>Yulsie's S: Oxford University (Brasenose College)</p>
<p>ProudMomMD's D: UPenn
momsdream's S: UPenn
neobez: UPenn
Saintofme's D: UPenn
robyrm's S: UPenn
travelin's D: UPenn</p>
<p>Little Mother's D: Pomona
Kosuke: Pomona</p>
<p>simba's S: Princeton
chinaman's S: Princeton
22frets's D: Princeton
epiphany's D: Princeton
marmat103's S3: Princeton
Dizzymom's S: Princeton
Aludaughter: Princeton</p>
<p>Tookie's S: Purdue</p>
<p>Whitneylm: Reed College
metermaid's D: Reed College</p>
<p>worried_mom's S: Rhode Island School of Design</p>
<p>lsandin's D: Rice
usmominuk's D: Rice
saramom's D: Rice</p>
<p>BMoyilan's S: Sarah Lawrence</p>
<p>yemaya13's sister: Smith</p>
<p>senhora<em>do</em>destino's S: Stanford
w3kil's S: Stanford</p>
<p>searchingavalon's D: Swarthmore
college_hopeful: Swarthmore
KYDad's D: Swarthmore</p>
<p>jmmom's S: Tulane
ctymomteacher's S: Tulane
NewHope33's D: Tulane
Mambowme's D: Tulane
Mom60's D: Tulane
Curioser's S: Tulane</p>
<p>daves123's S: United States Air Force Academy</p>
<p>momoftwins's D2: United States Military Academy at West Point</p>
<p>workingforblue's D: Univ. Alabama in Huntsville</p>
<p>Indy787: U of Arizona Honors College
jvd's D: U of Arizona Honors College</p>
<p>operamom's S: UCLA
UCaliGirl9: UCLA</p>
<p>Tabbyzmom's S: University of Florida</p>
<p>momoftwins's D1: University of Illinois</p>
<p>Choff's S: University of Mary Washington</p>
<p>ctmom's D: U of Miami
my-3-sons's S: UMiami
bevie's S: U of Miami
wish<em>it</em>was_april's S: University of Miami</p>
<p>Frecklybeckly: University of Michigan
PSedrishMD's D: University of Michigan</p>
<p>jmmom's gS: University of New Hampshire</p>
<p>Jack's D: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Pittheels' D: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill</p>
<p>LuckyMe's D: University of Puget Sound</p>
<p>Arizonamom's D: University of San Diego</p>
<p>ebayispayingforcollege's S: University of Southern California-School of Film and Television</p>
<p>txmomtoo's S: University of Texas at Austin
Islandmom's D: University of Texas (Austin) Plan II</p>
<p>firsttimemom's S: University of Vermont
wnydancemom's D: University of Vermont</p>
<p>Caseyatbat's D: University of Virginia</p>
<p>ezduzzit's D: University of Wisconsin</p>
<p>Lhasa's S: Valparaiso University</p>
<p>fazzled1's D: Vanderbilt
Bridie's S: Vanderbilt</p>
<p>GK50's D: Vassar</p>
<p>pamvanw's S : Virginia Tech</p>
<p>MarylandMom's D: Wake Forest
Onedown3togo: Wake Forest</p>
<p>kdos's S: Washington University in St. Louis
Runnersmom's S: Washington University in St. Louis</p>
<p>Elizabeth22: Wellesley College</p>
<p>anothersuticase: Wesleyan University
EconProf's D: Wesleyan Univeristy</p>
<p>mmaah's S: Whitman
TwoTimer's D: Whitman
noseemom's S: Whitman</p>
<p>Clayleas's D: Williams</p>
<p>Lp75's D: Yale
klc's S: Yale</p>
<p>SBmom's D: one of CC's "top LACs"</p>
<p>What do you mean scores are online now? How do you get scores online? Do you mean they're available by phone (as in you have to pay)?</p>
<p>Yulsie :</p>
<p>Congrates a job well done by your son (and you as a cheerleader for him). Good luck to him.</p>
<p>That is phenomenal! Congratulations to your S!! And to you. What a long time to wait!</p>
<p>One more for the list:</p>
<p>bklyndad's D: Bryn Mawr</p>
<p>Yes, please elaborate on the scores online deal. I still don't know whether I want to see them or not lol.</p>
<p>Congratulations! And thanks for updating us all.</p>
<p>(sorry, couldn't resist)</p>
<p>Chris, not online. By phone. But they are there.See yulsie's thread.</p>
<p>09Mom's D: Columbia
1moremom's S: Harvard
22frets's D: Princeton
56forceout's S: MIT</p>
<p>Aludaughter: Princeton
anothersuticase: Wesleyan University
Arizonamom's D: University of San Diego</p>
<p>Bandit_TX's D (Lindseylujh): Harvard
BassDad's D: Oberlin
berurah's S: Duke
Bettina's D: Brown
bevie's S: U of Miami
bklyndad's D: Bryn Mawr
BMoyilan's S: Sarah Lawrence
bogororo: Amherst
Bridie's S: Vanderbilt</p>
<p>candace's S: Duke
cangel's D: Dartmouth
Caseyatbat's D: University of Virginia
chinaman's S: Princeton
chocoholic's D: U. Chicago
Choff's S: University of Mary Washington
ChrisCuber: Dartmouth
churchmusicmom's d: Barnard
Clayleas's D: Williams
cnb's D: Cornell
college_hopeful: Swarthmore
columbiamom2's S: Columbia
cosar's S: Harvard
ctmom's D: U of Miami
ctymomteacher's S: Tulane
Cubed: Dartmouth
Curioser's S: Tulane</p>
<p>daves123's S: United States Air Force Academy
Dizzymom's S: Princeton
Donemom's son: Harvard</p>
<p>ebayispayingforcollege's S: University of Southern California-School of Film and Television
Elgin's D: Mount Holyoke
Elizabeth22: Wellesley College
ellendhan's S: Brown
epiphany's D: Princeton
evitajr1's D: Amherst
ezduzzit's D: University of Wisconsin</p>
<p>Faline2's S: Duke
fazzled1's D: Vanderbilt
firsttimemom's S: University of Vermont
flstudent: MIT
Frecklybeckly: University of Michigan</p>
<p>givethemwings's D: MIT
GK50's D: Vassar
Gracilisae: Dartmouth</p>
<p>Idad's S: U. Chicago
Indy787: U of Arizona Honors College
irishforever' S: Duke
Islandmom's D: University of Texas (Austin) Plan II</p>
<p>Jack's D: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
jadedog's S: Beloit
janacoop's S: Baylor
jaug1: Columbia
jblackboy05: Dartmouth
jmmom's gS: University of New Hampshire
jmmom's S: Tulane
jvd's D: U of Arizona Honors College</p>
<p>kdos's S: Washington University in St. Louis
kinshasa's S: Boston University
klc's S: Yale
kmom's S: Loyola College in Maryland
Kosuke: Pomona
KYDad's D: Swarthmore</p>
<p>Lhasa's S: Valparaiso University
Little Mother's D: Pomona
Lp75's D: Yale
lsandin's D: Rice
LuckyMe's D: University of Puget Sound</p>
<p>Mambowme's D: Tulane
Manyhat's S: CalTech
Mardad's D : Barnard
marite's S: Harvard
marmat103's S2: Lawrence
marmat103's S3: Princeton
MarylandMom's D: Wake Forest
metermaid's D: Reed College
Midwesterner's S: Cornell
mmaah's S: Whitman
mom09's S: Davidson
mom3son's S: Lehigh
Mom60's D: Tulane
momof2inca's S: Berkeley
Momof5Sons's S: Johns Hopkins University
Momofthree's S: Brown
momoftwins's D1: University of Illinois
momoftwins's D2: United States Military Academy at West Point
momsdream's S: UPenn
mootmom's S: MIT
my-3-sons's S: UMiami</p>
<p>neobez: UPenn
NewHope33's D: Tulane
Nick12's D: Columbia
noseemom's S: Whitman</p>
<p>ohio_mom's S: U. Chicago
Onedown3togo: Wake Forest
onlyamom's S: Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering
operamom's S: UCLA
OptimizerDad's D: Northwestern (graduate degree)
overanxious mother's S: Cornell
overseas' S: Lawrence University</p>
<p>pamvanw's S : Virginia Tech
parental unit's S: MIT
pattykk's D: U. Chicago
Pittheels' D: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
princetonwannabe: Harvard
ProudMomMD's D: UPenn
PSedrishMD's D: University of Michigan</p>
<p>randomdad's S: MIT
rbinaz's D: Chapman University
redbull298: Haverford
Redr002's D: Georgetown SFS
robyrm's S: UPenn
Runnersmom's S: Washington University in St. Louis</p>
<p>sac's niece: Northwestern
Saintofme's D: UPenn
saramom's D: Rice
SBmom's D: one of CC's "top LACs"
searchingavalon's D: Swarthmore
senhora<em>do</em>destino's S: Stanford
simba's S: Princeton
SJMom2329's S: Dartmouth
smomb's S: Harvard
Somemom's D: Berkeley
SoozieVT's D: NYU/Tisch/CAP21
Susantm's S: Indiana University: Hutton Honors College/School of Music</p>
<p>Tabbyzmom's S: University of Florida
Texas137's S: MIT
texastaximom's S: Carleton
tlaktan: Georgetown SFS
Tookie's S: Purdue
Toshimi's S: CalTech
travelin's D: UPenn
TwoTimer's D: Whitman
txmomtoo's S: University of Texas at Austin</p>
<p>UCaliGirl9: UCLA
usmominuk's D: Rice</p>
<p>w3kil's S: Stanford
Whitneylm: Reed College
wisconsin mom's S: Emory
wish<em>it</em>was<em>april's S: University of Miami
wnydancemom's D: University of Vermont
Woodworks D: Dartmouth
workingforblue's D: Univ. Alabama in Huntsville
worried</em>mom's S: Rhode Island School of Design</p>
<p>yemaya13's sister: Smith
yermom's D: Middlebury
yulsie's S: Oxford University, Brasenose College</p>
<p>evitajr1's D: Amherst
bogororo: Amherst</p>
<p>Mardad's D : Barnard
churchmusicmom's d: Barnard</p>
<p>janacoop's S: Baylor</p>
<p>jadedog's S: Beloit</p>
<p>momof2inca's S: Berkeley
Somemom's D: Berkeley</p>
<p>kinshasa's S: Boston University</p>
<p>Bettina's D: Brown
ellendhan's S: Brown
Momofthree's S: Brown</p>
<p>bklyndad's D: Bryn Mawr</p>
<p>Manyhat's S: CalTech
Toshimi's S: CalTech</p>
<p>texastaximom's S: Carleton</p>
<p>rbinaz's D: Chapman University</p>
<p>ohio_mom's S: U. Chicago
Idad's S: U. Chicago
pattykk's D: U. Chicago
chocoholic's D: U. Chicago</p>
<p>Nick12's D: Columbia
jaug1: Columbia
columbiamom2's S: Columbia
09Mom's D: Columbia</p>
<p>Midwesterner's S: Cornell
cnb's D: Cornell
overanxious mother's S: Cornell</p>
<p>cangel's D: Dartmouth
ChrisCuber: Dartmouth
Cubed: Dartmouth
Gracilisae: Dartmouth
jblackboy05: Dartmouth
SJMom2329's S: Dartmouth
Woodworks D: Dartmouth</p>
<p>mom09's S: Davidson</p>
<p>berurah's S: Duke
candace's S: Duke
Faline2's S: Duke
irishforever' S: Duke</p>
<p>wisconsin mom's S: Emory</p>
<p>onlyamom's S: Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering</p>
<p>tlaktan: Georgetown SFS
Redr002's D: Georgetown SFS</p>
<p>marite's S: Harvard
1moremom's S: Harvard
smomb's S: Harvard
Donemom's son: Harvard
princetonwannabe: Harvard
Bandit_TX's D (Lindseylujh): Harvard
cosar's S: Harvard</p>
<p>redbull298: Haverford</p>
<p>Susantm's S: Indiana University: Hutton Honors College/School of Music</p>
<p>Momof5Sons's S: Johns Hopkins University</p>
<p>overseas' S: Lawrence University
marmat103's S2: Lawrence</p>
<p>mom3son's S: Lehigh</p>
<p>kmom's S: Loyola College in Maryland</p>
<p>yermom's D: Middlebury</p>
<p>flstudent: MIT
Texas137's S: MIT
parental unit's S: MIT
mootmom's S: MIT
randomdad's S: MIT
givethemwings's D: MIT
56forceout's S: MIT</p>
<p>Elgin's D: Mount Holyoke</p>
<p>SoozieVT's D: NYU/Tisch/CAP21</p>
<p>sac's niece: Northwestern
OptimizerDad's D: Northwestern (graduate degree)</p>
<p>BassDad's D: Oberlin</p>
<p>Yulsie's S: Oxford University (Brasenose College)</p>
<p>ProudMomMD's D: UPenn
momsdream's S: UPenn
neobez: UPenn
Saintofme's D: UPenn
robyrm's S: UPenn
travelin's D: UPenn</p>
<p>Little Mother's D: Pomona
Kosuke: Pomona</p>
<p>simba's S: Princeton
chinaman's S: Princeton
22frets's D: Princeton
epiphany's D: Princeton
marmat103's S3: Princeton
Dizzymom's S: Princeton
Aludaughter: Princeton</p>
<p>Tookie's S: Purdue</p>
<p>Whitneylm: Reed College
metermaid's D: Reed College</p>
<p>worried_mom's S: Rhode Island School of Design</p>
<p>lsandin's D: Rice
usmominuk's D: Rice
saramom's D: Rice</p>
<p>BMoyilan's S: Sarah Lawrence</p>
<p>yemaya13's sister: Smith</p>
<p>senhora<em>do</em>destino's S: Stanford
w3kil's S: Stanford</p>
<p>searchingavalon's D: Swarthmore
college_hopeful: Swarthmore
KYDad's D: Swarthmore</p>
<p>jmmom's S: Tulane
ctymomteacher's S: Tulane
NewHope33's D: Tulane
Mambowme's D: Tulane
Mom60's D: Tulane
Curioser's S: Tulane</p>
<p>daves123's S: United States Air Force Academy</p>
<p>momoftwins's D2: United States Military Academy at West Point</p>
<p>workingforblue's D: Univ. Alabama in Huntsville</p>
<p>Indy787: U of Arizona Honors College
jvd's D: U of Arizona Honors College</p>
<p>operamom's S: UCLA
UCaliGirl9: UCLA</p>
<p>Tabbyzmom's S: University of Florida</p>
<p>momoftwins's D1: University of Illinois</p>
<p>Choff's S: University of Mary Washington</p>
<p>ctmom's D: U of Miami
my-3-sons's S: UMiami
bevie's S: U of Miami
wish<em>it</em>was_april's S: University of Miami</p>
<p>Frecklybeckly: University of Michigan
PSedrishMD's D: University of Michigan</p>
<p>jmmom's gS: University of New Hampshire</p>
<p>Jack's D: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Pittheels' D: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill</p>
<p>LuckyMe's D: University of Puget Sound</p>
<p>Arizonamom's D: University of San Diego</p>
<p>ebayispayingforcollege's S: University of Southern California-School of Film and Television</p>
<p>txmomtoo's S: University of Texas at Austin
Islandmom's D: University of Texas (Austin) Plan II</p>
<p>firsttimemom's S: University of Vermont
wnydancemom's D: University of Vermont</p>
<p>Caseyatbat's D: University of Virginia</p>
<p>ezduzzit's D: University of Wisconsin</p>
<p>Lhasa's S: Valparaiso University</p>
<p>fazzled1's D: Vanderbilt
Bridie's S: Vanderbilt</p>
<p>GK50's D: Vassar</p>
<p>pamvanw's S : Virginia Tech</p>
<p>MarylandMom's D: Wake Forest
Onedown3togo: Wake Forest</p>
<p>kdos's S: Washington University in St. Louis
Runnersmom's S: Washington University in St. Louis</p>
<p>Elizabeth22: Wellesley College</p>
<p>anothersuticase: Wesleyan University
EconProf's D: Wesleyan Univeristy</p>
<p>mmaah's S: Whitman
TwoTimer's D: Whitman
noseemom's S: Whitman</p>
<p>Clayleas's D: Williams</p>
<p>Lp75's D: Yale
klc's S: Yale</p>
<p>SBmom's D: one of CC's "top LACs"</p>
<p>Funny. Dartmouth, Harvard, MIT and Princeton are tied at 7. UPenn, Tulane are second with 6.</p>
<p>OK, I had nothing better to do.</p>
<p>ursdad's daughter to the big green of dartmouth!</p>
<p>Called AP and all I got was that they couldn't locate the file. Anyone know if the government test scores are in? Maybe that's that problem.</p>
<p>Huzzah and hurray for Yulsie's S and Oxford--can we go to parent's weekend w/you (grin)??</p>
<p>Hats thrown in air, champagne corks popping...YAY!!!!</p>
<p>That puts Dartmouth in the lead with 8!</p>
<p>Tied with Princeton!</p>
<p>evitajr1's D: Amherst
bogororo: Amherst</p>
<p>Mardad's D : Barnard
churchmusicmom's d: Barnard</p>
<p>janacoop's S: Baylor</p>
<p>jadedog's S: Beloit</p>
<p>momof2inca's S: Berkeley
Somemom's D: Berkeley</p>
<p>kinshasa's S: Boston University</p>
<p>Bettina's D: Brown
ellendhan's S: Brown
Momofthree's S: Brown</p>
<p>bklyndad's D: Bryn Mawr</p>
<p>Manyhat's S: CalTech
Toshimi's S: CalTech</p>
<p>texastaximom's S: Carleton</p>
<p>rbinaz's D: Chapman University</p>
<p>ohio_mom's S: U. Chicago
Idad's S: U. Chicago
pattykk's D: U. Chicago
chocoholic's D: U. Chicago</p>
<p>Nick12's D: Columbia
jaug1: Columbia
columbiamom2's S: Columbia
09Mom's D: Columbia</p>
<p>Midwesterner's S: Cornell
cnb's D: Cornell
overanxious mother's S: Cornell</p>
<p>cangel's D: Dartmouth
ChrisCuber: Dartmouth
Cubed: Dartmouth
Gracilisae: Dartmouth
jblackboy05: Dartmouth
SJMom2329's S: Dartmouth
Woodworks D: Dartmouth</p>
<p>mom09's S: Davidson</p>
<p>berurah's S: Duke
candace's S: Duke
Faline2's S: Duke
irishforever' S: Duke</p>
<p>wisconsin mom's S: Emory</p>
<p>onlyamom's S: Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering</p>
<p>tlaktan: Georgetown SFS
Redr002's D: Georgetown SFS</p>
<p>marite's S: Harvard
1moremom's S: Harvard
smomb's S: Harvard
Donemom's son: Harvard
princetonwannabe: Harvard
Bandit_TX's D (Lindseylujh): Harvard
cosar's S: Harvard</p>
<p>redbull298: Haverford</p>
<p>Susantm's S: Indiana University: Hutton Honors College/School of Music</p>
<p>Momof5Sons's S: Johns Hopkins University</p>
<p>overseas' S: Lawrence University
marmat103's S2: Lawrence</p>
<p>mom3son's S: Lehigh</p>
<p>kmom's S: Loyola College in Maryland</p>
<p>yermom's D: Middlebury</p>
<p>flstudent: MIT
Texas137's S: MIT
parental unit's S: MIT
mootmom's S: MIT
randomdad's S: MIT
givethemwings's D: MIT
56forceout's S: MIT</p>
<p>Elgin's D: Mount Holyoke</p>
<p>SoozieVT's D: NYU/Tisch/CAP21</p>
<p>sac's niece: Northwestern
OptimizerDad's D: Northwestern (graduate degree)</p>
<p>BassDad's D: Oberlin</p>
<p>Yulsie's S: Oxford University (Brasenose College)</p>
<p>ProudMomMD's D: UPenn
momsdream's S: UPenn
neobez: UPenn
Saintofme's D: UPenn
robyrm's S: UPenn
travelin's D: UPenn</p>
<p>Little Mother's D: Pomona
Kosuke: Pomona</p>
<p>simba's S: Princeton
chinaman's S: Princeton
22frets's D: Princeton
epiphany's D: Princeton
marmat103's S3: Princeton
Dizzymom's S: Princeton
Aludaughter: Princeton
Cookieson: Princeton</p>
<p>Tookie's S: Purdue</p>
<p>Whitneylm: Reed College
metermaid's D: Reed College</p>
<p>worried_mom's S: Rhode Island School of Design</p>
<p>lsandin's D: Rice
usmominuk's D: Rice
saramom's D: Rice</p>
<p>BMoyilan's S: Sarah Lawrence</p>
<p>yemaya13's sister: Smith</p>
<p>senhora<em>do</em>destino's S: Stanford
w3kil's S: Stanford</p>
<p>searchingavalon's D: Swarthmore
college_hopeful: Swarthmore
KYDad's D: Swarthmore</p>
<p>jmmom's S: Tulane
ctymomteacher's S: Tulane
NewHope33's D: Tulane
Mambowme's D: Tulane
Mom60's D: Tulane
Curioser's S: Tulane</p>
<p>daves123's S: United States Air Force Academy</p>
<p>momoftwins's D2: United States Military Academy at West Point</p>
<p>workingforblue's D: Univ. Alabama in Huntsville</p>
<p>Indy787: U of Arizona Honors College
jvd's D: U of Arizona Honors College</p>
<p>operamom's S: UCLA
UCaliGirl9: UCLA</p>
<p>Tabbyzmom's S: University of Florida</p>
<p>momoftwins's D1: University of Illinois</p>
<p>Choff's S: University of Mary Washington</p>
<p>ctmom's D: U of Miami
my-3-sons's S: UMiami
bevie's S: U of Miami
wish<em>it</em>was_april's S: University of Miami</p>
<p>Frecklybeckly: University of Michigan
PSedrishMD's D: University of Michigan</p>
<p>jmmom's gS: University of New Hampshire</p>
<p>Jack's D: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Pittheels' D: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill</p>
<p>LuckyMe's D: University of Puget Sound</p>
<p>Arizonamom's D: University of San Diego</p>
<p>ebayispayingforcollege's S: University of Southern California-School of Film and Television</p>
<p>txmomtoo's S: University of Texas at Austin
Islandmom's D: University of Texas (Austin) Plan II</p>
<p>firsttimemom's S: University of Vermont
wnydancemom's D: University of Vermont</p>
<p>Caseyatbat's D: University of Virginia</p>
<p>ezduzzit's D: University of Wisconsin</p>
<p>Lhasa's S: Valparaiso University</p>
<p>fazzled1's D: Vanderbilt
Bridie's S: Vanderbilt</p>
<p>GK50's D: Vassar</p>
<p>pamvanw's S : Virginia Tech</p>
<p>MarylandMom's D: Wake Forest
Onedown3togo: Wake Forest</p>
<p>kdos's S: Washington University in St. Louis
Runnersmom's S: Washington University in St. Louis</p>
<p>Elizabeth22: Wellesley College</p>
<p>anothersuticase: Wesleyan University
EconProf's D: Wesleyan Univeristy</p>
<p>mmaah's S: Whitman
TwoTimer's D: Whitman
noseemom's S: Whitman</p>
<p>Clayleas's D: Williams</p>
<p>Lp75's D: Yale
klc's S: Yale</p>
<p>SBmom's D: one of CC's "top LACs"
jmmom is offline</p>
<p>evitajr1's D: Amherst
bogororo: Amherst</p>
<p>Mardad's D : Barnard
churchmusicmom's d: Barnard</p>
<p>janacoop's S: Baylor</p>
<p>jadedog's S: Beloit</p>
<p>momof2inca's S: Berkeley
Somemom's D: Berkeley</p>
<p>kinshasa's S: Boston University</p>
<p>Bettina's D: Brown
ellendhan's S: Brown
Momofthree's S: Brown</p>
<p>bklyndad's D: Bryn Mawr</p>
<p>Manyhat's S: CalTech
Toshimi's S: CalTech</p>
<p>texastaximom's S: Carleton</p>
<p>rbinaz's D: Chapman University</p>
<p>ohio_mom's S: U. Chicago
Idad's S: U. Chicago
pattykk's D: U. Chicago
chocoholic's D: U. Chicago</p>
<p>Nick12's D: Columbia
jaug1: Columbia
columbiamom2's S: Columbia
09Mom's D: Columbia</p>
<p>Midwesterner's S: Cornell
cnb's D: Cornell
overanxious mother's S: Cornell</p>
<p>cangel's D: Dartmouth
ChrisCuber: Dartmouth
Cubed: Dartmouth
Gracilisae: Dartmouth
jblackboy05: Dartmouth
SJMom2329's S: Dartmouth
Woodworks D: Dartmouth</p>
<p>mom09's S: Davidson</p>
<p>berurah's S: Duke
candace's S: Duke
Faline2's S: Duke
irishforever' S: Duke</p>
<p>wisconsin mom's S: Emory</p>
<p>onlyamom's S: Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering</p>
<p>tlaktan: Georgetown SFS
Redr002's D: Georgetown SFS</p>
<p>marite's S: Harvard
1moremom's S: Harvard
smomb's S: Harvard
Donemom's son: Harvard
princetonwannabe: Harvard
Bandit_TX's D (Lindseylujh): Harvard
cosar's S: Harvard</p>
<p>redbull298: Haverford</p>
<p>Susantm's S: Indiana University: Hutton Honors College/School of Music</p>
<p>Momof5Sons's S: Johns Hopkins University</p>
<p>overseas' S: Lawrence University
marmat103's S2: Lawrence</p>
<p>mom3son's S: Lehigh</p>
<p>kmom's S: Loyola College in Maryland</p>
<p>yermom's D: Middlebury</p>
<p>flstudent: MIT
Texas137's S: MIT
parental unit's S: MIT
mootmom's S: MIT
randomdad's S: MIT
givethemwings's D: MIT
56forceout's S: MIT</p>
<p>Elgin's D: Mount Holyoke</p>
<p>SoozieVT's D: NYU/Tisch/CAP21</p>
<p>sac's niece: Northwestern
OptimizerDad's D: Northwestern (graduate degree)</p>
<p>BassDad's D: Oberlin</p>
<p>Yulsie's S: Oxford University (Brasenose College)</p>
<p>ProudMomMD's D: UPenn
momsdream's S: UPenn
neobez: UPenn
Saintofme's D: UPenn
robyrm's S: UPenn
travelin's D: UPenn</p>
<p>Little Mother's D: Pomona
Kosuke: Pomona</p>
<p>simba's S: Princeton
chinaman's S: Princeton
22frets's D: Princeton
epiphany's D: Princeton
marmat103's S3: Princeton
Dizzymom's S: Princeton
Aludaughter: Princeton
Cookieson: Princeton</p>
<p>Tookie's S: Purdue</p>
<p>Whitneylm: Reed College
metermaid's D: Reed College</p>
<p>worried_mom's S: Rhode Island School of Design</p>
<p>lsandin's D: Rice
usmominuk's D: Rice
saramom's D: Rice</p>
<p>BMoyilan's S: Sarah Lawrence</p>
<p>yemaya13's sister: Smith</p>
<p>senhora<em>do</em>destino's S: Stanford
w3kil's S: Stanford</p>
<p>searchingavalon's D: Swarthmore
college_hopeful: Swarthmore
KYDad's D: Swarthmore</p>
<p>jmmom's S: Tulane
ctymomteacher's S: Tulane
NewHope33's D: Tulane
Mambowme's D: Tulane
Mom60's D: Tulane
Curioser's S: Tulane</p>
<p>daves123's S: United States Air Force Academy</p>
<p>momoftwins's D2: United States Military Academy at West Point</p>
<p>workingforblue's D: Univ. Alabama in Huntsville</p>
<p>Indy787: U of Arizona Honors College
jvd's D: U of Arizona Honors College</p>
<p>operamom's S: UCLA
UCaliGirl9: UCLA</p>
<p>karthikkito: UCSD</p>
<p>Tabbyzmom's S: University of Florida</p>
<p>momoftwins's D1: University of Illinois</p>
<p>Choff's S: University of Mary Washington</p>
<p>ctmom's D: U of Miami
my-3-sons's S: UMiami
bevie's S: U of Miami
wish<em>it</em>was_april's S: University of Miami</p>
<p>Frecklybeckly: University of Michigan
PSedrishMD's D: University of Michigan</p>
<p>jmmom's gS: University of New Hampshire</p>
<p>Jack's D: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Pittheels' D: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill</p>
<p>LuckyMe's D: University of Puget Sound</p>
<p>Arizonamom's D: University of San Diego</p>
<p>ebayispayingforcollege's S: University of Southern California-School of Film and Television</p>
<p>txmomtoo's S: University of Texas at Austin
Islandmom's D: University of Texas (Austin) Plan II</p>
<p>firsttimemom's S: University of Vermont
wnydancemom's D: University of Vermont</p>
<p>Caseyatbat's D: University of Virginia</p>
<p>ezduzzit's D: University of Wisconsin</p>
<p>Lhasa's S: Valparaiso University</p>
<p>fazzled1's D: Vanderbilt
Bridie's S: Vanderbilt</p>
<p>GK50's D: Vassar</p>
<p>pamvanw's S : Virginia Tech</p>
<p>MarylandMom's D: Wake Forest
Onedown3togo: Wake Forest</p>
<p>kdos's S: Washington University in St. Louis
Runnersmom's S: Washington University in St. Louis</p>
<p>Elizabeth22: Wellesley College</p>
<p>anothersuticase: Wesleyan University
EconProf's D: Wesleyan Univeristy</p>
<p>mmaah's S: Whitman
TwoTimer's D: Whitman
noseemom's S: Whitman</p>
<p>Clayleas's D: Williams</p>
<p>Lp75's D: Yale
klc's S: Yale</p>
<p>SBmom's D: one of CC's "top LACs"</p>