<p>Jonathan did you already send your previous scores to those schools or is this ssat the first one you are sending.
I was wondering if you can switch scores because i had heard you can't.</p>
<p>The first time I took the SSAT I sent it only to Andover and SPS. However, now I've decided to apply to Taft, MX, and Choate as well, so I'm sending my scores to all five schools.</p>
<p>I was originally looking at, ummmmmmm.. Andover, Exeter, SPS, Middlesex, Choate and Deerfield. Now I'm applying on MX, Andover and Deerfield. Good luck!</p>
<p>Sign up for the Web Service. Don't send to any schools just yet. Then, after you've received your scores, order them to be forwarded to the schools you think are appropriate. There's nothing to be gained by having your scores go out to the schools in the initial wave. Why not look first?</p>
<p>Yeah, I got the Web Bundle. I think I can change the schools I send it so whenever I want, so it's not a big deal. Since I got the Web Bundle, do I also get my scores emailed to me?</p>
<p>Technically, if you get the web bundle, you get two schools, but it costs extra (i'm not sure how much) to send a copy of it in paper to your home or email it to the email you applied with. I think you have to choose one or the other so I would check my email and try to find the bill from when you bought the SSAT test</p>
<p>You get the scores e-mailed to you...but after the first wave has gone out. You can change (delete) your selections up to (I think) the Tuesday after the test. You can add them back later. Scores go out to schools once a week. How long it takes for schools to receive your scores depends on when during the weekly cycle you make a score forwarding request.</p>
<p>The first wave of results being sent to schools from the SSAT. Scores are sent each week. After a test is administered, scores are released to schools in about a week. People who have predesignated schools have their scores go out in that wave. Your scores can go out at any time. There's no benefit to be gained in having your scores go out in that first wave. They just need to get there by the deadline for completing your application. Why not get your e-mail results before acting?</p>
<p>Time is of the essence now. I think at this late date, you should designate all the schools when you register. You take the test on January 12 and according to the SSAT website, the schools won't receive the scores until January 25. You'll receive your scores by email on January 30. </p>
<p>By then, you won't have any time to change/add schools, as all of the schools you're applying to have deadlines by February 1. In fact, three of your schools have deadlines in mid January (Choate: 1/10, SPS and Taft: 1/15.) As it is, your scores won't arrive until after the deadline has passed for those schools.</p>
<p>Jonathan, have you visited any of the schools besides Andover? I know you recently added Choate, Taft, and Middlesex to your list. Have you interviewed with them yet?</p>
<p>All the schools I'm applying to accept the January test date. (I think lol)</p>
<p>No, I've only visited Andover. I've interviewed with Andover and SPS. Hopefully there will be phone interview openings for Choate, Taft, and MX!</p>
<p>I stand corrected. Given the timing, there IS something to be gained by having the scores sent by SSAT in the initial wave of scores that are transmitted. </p>
<p>jennycraig is right...as you are going to be tight on timing. And for schools that say they accept January test scores, I would assume -- unless they state otherwise -- that that means they will accept the scores straight out of the chute. A delay in transmitting January test scores could mean you fall outside their commitment to accepting those scores.</p>
<p>That's a problem with having to rely on the January test. You're just going to have to gamble that your scores will be appropriate for the schools that you're applying to. If -- as I believe is the case here -- you have earlier scores in the hopper, you have to base your decision on which schools are appropriate using those earlier scores...and hope that the January scores improve your position. That's a low payout, high risk gamble as it is. I would NOT apply to schools based on what you HOPE will happen in January and contrary to the options that your earlier scores would point you to.</p>
<p>From your latest post, I see that you've got five very competitive schools in your mix. If you're concerned enough about your earlier scores to take a retest in January, you may want to reevaluate which schools you should apply to. Or not spend $250 on so many potential long shots. </p>
<p>Again, I'd encourage you to make your decisions based on the score results you have in hand...and hope that January improves your chances at the schools you think are worth applying to if your January schools are identical to your earlier scores.</p>
<p>OK, but if you are taking the test on Jan 12th, don't you need the scores to get there asap? If we hold off sending until we receive them by email that will have the schools receiving them very late.</p>