<p>This is my final sophomore schedule is there anything I should switch.</p>
<p>Ap chemistry (yearlong)
Ap psychology (semester)
Ap environmental science (semester)
Ap statistics (yearlong)
Ap macroeconomics (semester)
Ap computer science (yearlong online)</p>
<p>I am not taking a language because I am going to do IB ab initio which basically covers French 1-4 then I will self study the ap exam. I am taking such a rigorous schedule because I really want o get into ivy league schools </p>
<p>If I switched anything these would be my alternates
Ap physics (not sure which 1) (yearlong)
Ap European history (semester)
Ap calculus bc (yearlong online)</p>
<p>Should I change my schedule? I know I want it to be the most challenging schedule possible for sophomore year. Thanks</p>
<p>Are these classes you enjoy? Do you want to go into these fields? It kinda looks like you’re trying really hard to impress, instead of doing what you’re passionate about…</p>
<p>I would. Just because I don’t think AP Psychology will get you any college credit.</p>
<p>Basically, what I’m saying is, stop taking completely useless classes just for the AP-count. Like silencefell said, “Are these classes you enjoy?” Well, is it? </p>
<p>Also why do you want to take such a hard schedule 10th grade? Sophomore year sucks. And taking 6APs isn’t going to help.</p>
<p>I agree with poster #2. It looks like you are doing this for show, and it’s a turn off to many colleges. What are you interested in? I’m a sophomore now and I’m not taking any AP classes. Why you ask? It’s because: 1) Only one AP is offered to Sophomores: AP World History. I hate history, and It’ll be hard for me concentrate in that class and get good grades because of my lack of interest.</p>
<p>Seems like you’re bright and motivated. Keep in mind that instead of taking so many APs you could pursue independent study in a subject of your interest for “self enrichment.”</p>
<p>I think that taking AP’s is good, but you have to be able to handle all of them(getting good grades, GPA, etc.) How are you allowed to take so many AP’s as a sophomore? LUCKY!!
Good luck with those AP’s(I’m not being sarcastic)!!:)</p>
<p>Ap chemistry- I love honors chemistry right now and the teacher is really good.</p>
<p>Ap psychology- I am interested in learning more about psychology and it is supposed to be pretty easy</p>
<p>Ap macroeconomics- I want to major in economics </p>
<p>Ap computer science- in order to be in FBLA or deca (which I will have leadership positions in) I have to take a career/technical class and there are no honors so it’s either this or a cp class which will kill my gpa.</p>
<p>Ap statistics- I have already taken precal so my option is either ap stats or ap calc and calc I think would be too much.</p>
<p>Ap environmental science- need environmental science to graduate either honors or ap.</p>
<p>So I have valid reasons for all my classes. I have to take apes and apcs. Stats would be much easier than calc. All the others I am very interested in.</p>
<p>then I think you answered your own question?</p>
<p>Okay, totally unrelated to your question, but your school forces its students to take AP classes (since you said “have to take”)?</p>
<p>Because that is really cool… I would love that my school had so many AP classes that it forces students to take some APs.</p>
<p>Well I guess my school doesn’t force me to take ap classes. We have to get an environmental science to graduate and we can take that college prep, honors or ap and so I decided to take the most difficult of the 3. Apcs is not a graduation requirement but in order to do business related clubs we must take classes in a category called cte classes and the option is either a college prep class or an ap class so I would rather take the ap class to boost my gpa/class rank</p>