Finally figured out how to work this website. chances at uc davis, irvine, sdsu & long beach?

SAT: 1200 composite
UW gpa: 3.6 W 10-12 gpa: 4.0 uc gpa: 3.92
took 6 ap classes and one honors math
play 3 sports throughout high school
declared major: economics
in state student
ethnicity: white
lgbt (even though i hate using the “gay” card for anything, i just wondered if i would change any chance good or bad for college acceptance)

thank you for anyone taking their time to give me insight. :slight_smile:

CSU’s admit by major and eligibility index (CSU/UC GPA x800) + (SAT Math + CR) so your EI is 4336. You are a solid Match for SDSU and CSULB.

For UCI, I would say a Match and UCD a High Match.

Good Luck.

You should be all set for SDSU and CSULB. I’d say Davis and Irvine are 60/40 against since both your GPA and SAT are light. It will come down to your essays.
Good luck