Finally visiting D-mouth tomorrow... any advice?

<p>So I am finally going to visit Dartmouth tomorrow (I'm an RD applicant, btw). I'm going to do the typical info session/tour/student forum stuff. Does anyone have any advice specific to D-mouth for my visit (I've done a bunch of other college visits before). Anything I should check out in Hanover or anything? I won't be staying overnight... just a day trip from MA.</p>

<p>Any suggestions are appreciated!</p>

<p>does dartmouth track visits btw?</p>

<li>Ocwen Pond- spend an hour ice skating</li>
<li>Dartmouth Skiway-- just to see where it is, if you like boarding or skiing</li>
<li>Murphy’s, Molly’s</li>
<li>Jesse’s or Simon Pierce (Quechee, Vt) for Dinner</li>
<li>Just enjoy campus-- let the outdoor center explain all they can do for you.</li>
<li>Check out Tuck, Hitchcock for business or medicine</li>
<li>If you want to get off campus, there are loads to do-- if you like boarding or skiing, or want to visit Ben & Jerry’s for ice cream on the way to Stowe, spend a couple hours on that trip== you just don’t have enough time so enjoy everything on campus.</li>
<li>Simon Pierce in Quechee is one of the nicest places in the Country to visit for lunch or dinner-- glass blowing high end stuff, in production most of the day self generated power with river fed turbine, pottery production, green enviro, great food, great views, and pretty location in quaint surroundings with the most covered bridges in the country.</li>

<p>My advice would be NOT to visit now. Wait until March 31 and, if accepted, attend Dimensions.</p>

<p>I agree. Why are you visiting before you hear whether you’re admitted? Seems silly.</p>

<p>Dartmouth doesn’t track visits. Doesn’t care about demonstrated interest.</p>

<p>If you are going, check out the Dirt Cowboy. Great little coffee shop in downtown Hanover w/ 100+ kinds of coffee.</p>

<p>Go to Molly’s and get the hot chocolate with chocolate covered marshmellows!</p>

<p>I also would wait until Spring but I guess its too late! Check out Occum Pond and the the sledding hill (golf course). Also check out Sanborn library. To be honest though I think its gonna be hard to get a real feel of the campus on a cold winter day.</p>

<p>I’m from MA, so I don’t think a cold winter day is going to affect my perception of the campus all that much.</p>

<p>I begged my parents to let me wait until I find out if I’m accepted or not, but frankly it ticked my dad off, since he has some deep unexplained desire to visit Dartmouth since he’s never been there. They essentially demanded that we go during February vacation. </p>

<p>I think it’s funny that a couple of weeks ago people on this board were asking why I didn’t then have plans to visit and now people want me to wait, lol.</p>

<p>Yeah, so I really can’t change my plans right now… just gotta go set the alarm clock for 5AM!</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice everyone! I’m looking forward to a nice day tomorrow!</p>

<p>Lunch at Molly’s is basically a requirement. And of course you’ll buy a t-shirt at the Coop.</p>

<p>I guess you were one of the people on the gigantic tours this week.</p>

<p>It’s been ridiculous how big they have been. When I saw one tour group outside Rocky, I first thought it was Drinkin’ Time part 2.</p>