Financial aid appeal

I recently submitted a financial aid sap appeal to my college. I did ok this spring semester (2Bs 2Cs) but my transcripts from my transfer institution screwed me in terms of gpa and completion rate. I have some chronic medical conditions which aided in my awful transcripts and a note from my doctor as supporting documentation. What do you think my chances of getting approved are? Is my letter acceptable?

To whom it may concern,

   After I graduated high school in spring of 2013 I enrolled in classes at Blank State College. I also worked part time at Grocery store. During the time that I was enrolled at Blank college I experienced a decline in my health due to cardiac conditions which led me to make the decision to withdraw from my classes. My health was so poor I was unable to physically attend class and was constantly calling out of work. The classes that I did attend I were unable to succeed in due to my health.

   I moved to blank in the fall of 2017 to be closer to major hospital and my specialists. My health has stabilized as a result of better care. In January I enrolled at current college Pursuing my Associates Degree In Nursing. I also quit my job so that I am able to devote my full time and energy to pursuing my education. 

  This Spring semester I received 2 Bs and 2 Cs in the 4 classes that I took. I utilized the writing support center and tutoring centers on campus as well as study groups with classmates in all of my classes. I plan to continue to keep up this progress and do the same in the semesters going forward.

As I am currently unemployed, financial aid is critical to funding my education. I plan to get no lower than a B in my future classes and feel this is reasonable due to my performance spring semester.  

Attached is documentation from my specialist. They are unable to provide more detailed information due to HIPAA law. I contacted my former cardiologist office with whom I was a patient during my time at old college. Upon receipt of my phone call, I was told that the cardiologist I had been seeing has since moved out of state and they were unable to provide me with any sort of documentation as I am no longer a patient of their practice. This is why their is only one letter from my current cardiologist. I hope you will consider my positive academic progress this last semester and note from my doctor satisfactory information to make an informed decision regarding my appeal.

        Thank you for your time,

I think you need to add what you plan to do to keep your grades up (continues tutorial center, etc).

And you also need to proofread the letter for grammatical errors. There are a bunch of them.