Financial Aid Awards

When are financial aid awards usually posted on myBama? Is it around the same time that scholarship letters are mailed out? When I check the Financial Aid Awards section of my account, it has tabs that say “Award,” “Work Study,” etc but the actual award isn’t there. I’m wondering if this is a glitch in my account or if it means that awards will be posted soon. Thanks!

are you asking about scholarship awards?

Are you asking about fed student loans? If so, then you’ll get a $5500 student loan.

What was your EFC? Do you qualify for a Pell Grant?

What are you looking for?


@mom2collegekids‌ my EFC was 12000+. I’m not Pell eligible.

I’m not really anticipating any more scholarships on top of what they’ve already awarded me. I think any other form of aid I receive will come from loans and hopefully Federal Work Study.

Is the loan always 5500 or does it depend on need?

No, it doesn’t depend on need. It depends on uncovered costs. So, if you have $5500 in uncovered costs, you will get that. Whether part of the loan is sub or not will depend on whether any of it covers need.

Help!! Our EFC was $48,000!! My S has a 4.2GPA, 33 ACT and not one dime of Merit money. Full sticker?? Is this common?

Is this for 2015-16? Did he not apply for scholarships?

Yes, this is for 2015-16. Not sure if he did or not. Are there ones specifically at Purdue to apply for?

This is the Alabama forum :wink:

He would’ve been eligible for a full tuition scholarship, but he would’ve had to apply by December 15th.

do you realize that you posted in the Univ of Alabama forum???

If he applied to Purdue, but didn’t apply by their scholarship deadline (which I think may be in Nov, but I’m not sure…haven’t checked lately), then he would miss the deadline.


Yep…there was a Nov 1st deadline at Purdue…when did he apply? Did he EVEN LOOK at when the scholarship deadlines were? What I mean is…If your family didn’t want to pay sticker price, why didn’t he look at the scholarship deadlines??

I see that your son is also WL’d for a top school. Are you willing to pay full sticker there? It’s a D3 school, so no sports money.

Oops, sorry I somehow posted in the Bama thread. I’ll leave now.

Oops, sorry I somehow posted in the Bama thread. I’ll leave now.

That’s ok! All roads lead to Tuscaloosa!

Roll Tide!

LOL @mom2collegekids

mom2collegekids Roll Tide!