Financial Aid Eligibility at Duquesne?

Hi! I’m a current senior in HS that has been accepted to the Honors College at Duquesne for a major in International Business for Fall 2018.
Based on my SAT/ACT tests, I am eligible for a $14k Academic Scholarship from Duq, as well as a $4k award for room and board (I don’t plan on staying on campus though, so this award won’t count).
Based on my FASFA, I have an EFC of 0 due to the recent passing of my mother and my father not having a job for that year. I’m getting the highest possible Pell Grant amount, around $5.9k.
With the $14k scholarship taken off, my tuition should be around $21k, not including other scholarships I may get.
How much could I potentially get in financial aid from Duq?
A good amount of my Pell Grant is probably going to go towards books, a laptop, and maybe a down deposit on an apartment (my dad is going to be moving with me). I don’t want to take out a lot in loans, but I will if I have to.
My goal is to get the cost down as much as possible, seeing as I don’t want to be in debt for a crazy long time.

A good part of that Pell grant (as in 100%) will go toward anything billed by your school. It won’t be given to you unless everything else is paid for, so all the things you listed - lap top, books, deposit on apartment - will most likely not be paid for with the Pell grant. Are you sure you are allowed to live off campus as a freshman, and are you sure it will be cheaper than living on campus with that $4000?

So sorry to hear about the loss of your mom

good amount of my Pell Grant is probably going to go towards books, a laptop, and maybe a down deposit on an apartment



The Pell grant will go to the school and they will apply all of it towards direct college costs. DU will consider that Pell to be part of your FA. It won’t be handed to you to pay for the things you mention.

So far you have…
$14k merit scholarship
$ 5.9k Pell Grant
Likely you’ll get a $5500 loan
And maybe $2k of work study.

Is your dad going to pay your apt rent? If not, what is going to pay for your rent, utilities, cable, WiFi?

Did you run the Net Price Calculator? If not, do so and copy/paste the result here.

My concern is that this school will not be affordable since it does not meet need. Doesn’t sound like your dad can cosign loans.

------A good part of that Pell grant (as in 100%) will go toward anything billed by your school. It won’t be given to you unless everything else is paid for, so all the things you listed - lap top, books, deposit on apartment - will most likely not be paid for with the Pell grant.-----

My goal was to get the cost of attendance down low enough with scholarships and aid that I would have part of the grant left over. I’m not positive on how that works, but I’m willing to try.

------Are you sure you are allowed to live off campus as a freshman, and are you sure it will be cheaper than living on campus with that $4000?------

Considering I’ll be living with my dad, I’m technically a commuter. The reason behind this is he’s the only family I have and I’m all he has (plus our three cats haha). And we currently rent now, it wouldn’t make sense to keep this place and have me live on campus with room and board when we can just move there, you know?

My goal was to get the cost of attendance down low enough with scholarships and aid that I would have part of the grant left over.


Not likely. More likely you’re going to be gapped or be given loans.

Considering I'll be living with my dad, I'm technically a commuter. The reason behind this is he's the only family I have and I'm all he has (plus our three cats haha). And we currently rent now, it wouldn't make sense to keep this place and have me live on campus with room and board when we can just move there, you know?


Can you clarify…what is the source of your family’s income now? What is now paying for your rent? Your dad may be receiving social security for you now (since your mom died), but that will end soon.

What income will be used to pay for all of your apt costs while at college?

Thank you, it’s been a bit difficult to adjust after.

My dad and I plan to split rent. We have money saved up for a down deposit and first months rent. We currently live about 45 minutes away from Pittsburgh and his job is in between so he’s going to be able to keep it. I also plan to be working all summer and part time during school.

Here’s my net price calculator, but I’ll probably be paying close to $500 a month for rent and such. And I don’t think this includes my $14k scholarship (I mean how could it? I didn’t enter any info on it. Plus other scholarships I have).

Estimated tuition and fees $33,778

  • Estimated room and board charges (Includes rooming accommodations and meals) $0
  • Estimated cost of books and supplies $1,400
  • Estimated other expenses (Personal expenses, transportation, etc.) $3,700

Estimated total cost of attendance: $38,878

  • Estimated total grant aid:
    (Includes both merit and need based grant and scholarship aid from Federal, State, or Local Governments, or the Institution)

Estimated Net Price After Grants and Scholarships: $11,203

Thank you, it's been a bit difficult to adjust after.


My dad and I plan to split rent.

We have money saved up for a down deposit and first months rent. We currently live about 45 minutes away from Pittsburgh and his job is in between so he’s going to be able to keep it. I also plan to be working all summer and part time during school.



So, you’ll need to contribute about 800+ a month towards rent, utilities, WiFi, cable, etc?

Who will pay for food?

Who will be paying for your transportation to and from school?


Here’s my net price calculator, but I’ll probably be paying close to $500 a month for rent and such.



Probably more…

And I don't think this includes my $14k scholarship (I mean how could it? I didn't enter any info on it.


I strongly suspect that the estimate DOES include your scholarship because it is assuming that you’re getting a scholarship from the school.



Plus other scholarships I have).



What other awards do you have??? Those will decrease the aid that DU gives you.

Estimated tuition and fees $33,778 + Estimated room and board charges (Includes rooming accommodations and meals) $0 + Estimated cost of books and supplies $1,400 + Estimated other expenses (Personal expenses, transportation, etc.) $3,700


Estimated total cost of attendance: $38,878

  • Estimated total grant aid:
    (Includes both merit and need based grant and scholarship aid from Federal, State, or Local Governments, or the Institution)

Estimated Net Price After Grants and Scholarships: $11,203


my dad got a job January of this year, and I also get a pretty hefty amount in social security from my mother, plus my current job.
I graduate in May 2018 but wont turn 18 until June, so my SSI checks will stop after the one in June. Our current landlord is a good friend and isnt going to make us pay rent for June seeing as we’ll be moving before the end of the month, so that’s less money there.

Hope this helps clarify a bit?

Yes, but the estimates for the grants and scholarships include the Pell grant and doesn’t yet meet the total of tuition and fees. And your R&B is $0, probably because you checked living with a parent (which makes sense) but YOUR costs aren’t going to be $0, they are going to be 1/2 of something.

Duquesqne is probably getting to the $27k on the NPC with $14k in merit, ~$6k in Pell and another $7k in need based financial aid. It wouldn’t surprise me if you got another $5k in a combination of merit/need, but that still only brings you to $32k, not quite tuition.

You need to talk to them before you turn down any PA state colleges as they have some nice FA for those with state grants.


the $14k scholarship is based on my test scores. My friend got accepted as well but had lower scores, so she only got around $6k for that, Considering I didn’t enter any academic info, how could they estimate the scholarship?

And my dad and I both currently pay rent, buy food, pay utilities, etc. here. Plus our current rent is practically the same as Pittsburgh. We are both capable in that regard.

And I have other scholarships pending, as well as ones I plan on doing but only a $1k one confirmed currently.

I know that you didn’t put in your scores, but schools will replace merit with grants. A school like DU isn’t likely going to stack.

In the meantime continue to pursue affordable schools in your state and elsewhere.

And my dad and I both currently pay rent, buy food, pay utilities, etc. here. Plus our current rent is practically the same as Pittsburgh. We are both capable in that regard



Right now you’re doing it with the “hefty amounts of SS” that is going towards your share. That money will soon be gone.


not quite, those checks are going into a savings, seeing as we’re pretty comfortable currently. And for my intended major, the option I like the most is Duquesne. I have had my job for three and a half years now. My “share” is currently paid by that. My dad has a great job that pays well and we’re not looking to let it go.

Are you instate for PA?

Duquesne used to have a better net price calculator, the one now is kind of generic I think and just asks for income brackets.

The cost of tuition and fees is about $36,000 now, the NPC is probably outdated.

The above shows COA for on campus and off campus for 2017/18. It will probably go up every year.

The school will bill $36,000 for tuition and fees.

The aid you might be able to get
$14,000 scholarship
$5,900 Pell Grant
$4,100 PHEAA grant
$5,500 direct loan

So the aid doesn’t yet cover the whole tuition and fees.

The school might give you a need based institutional grant.

You will need to see what the financial aid award looks like but at best you might get the tuition and fees covered, but you will also have housing, food, transportation and book expenses.

When you did your FAFSA, did you also do the online PA grant application and mailed your signature page to PHEAA?

Never mind

OP, I’m very sorry for your loss.

Above posters raise very good points that you need to consider.

I want to point out one other problem with this plan. Let’s assume that you have enough social security saved up for room & board for the first year. You said your dad got a good paying job. Great! But that means in future years, you will receive even less in financial aid, as they will expect your dad to contribute to your education. What happens then?

Good question. Your Pell grant and other need based aid will go away when you file fafsa again. Who is going to cover those losses of aid.

Also…your income will now count. Right now, your income and assets are being ignored. In the future they will not be.

If your Dad works and earns more than $25,000 in 2017 and doesn’t receive federal means tested benefits anymore, then your EFC will most likely not be $0 for the 2019/20 school year.

So the Pell will be reduced to about $5,900 minus EFC

Also the state grant might be reduced.

All you can really count on is your $14,000 scholarship (did you get a letter that says that you will get that?), as long as you keep the GPA required to keep it.

And your student loan of $5,500-$7,500 from freshman to senior year.

How will your dad pay the remaining $16,000 for tuition and fees, plus rent and food and utilities?

If you work, you can earn up to about $6,400 right now, before half of income will be counted towards FAFSA EFC.

If you get a federal work study job at college, that does not count towards FAFA EFC.
But work study income is not available up front and is earned as a paycheck during the semester, depending on hours worked.

It is tough in PA to find an affordable college if finances are limited. At most you can get about $10,000 in grants and $5,000 in loans.

Even the PASSHE schools and PSU branches cost $20,000 if dorming.

If you can commute it might work.

Do you have any schools you can commute to close to your apartment?
Did you move already?

If you can save the soc sec payments and your work earnings now and in the summer in a PA 529 account, you might be able to commute to a community college for the first two years and then transfer to a 4 year school to finish.

I think CCAC has an agreement with Pitt.

You need to understand. Schools like this don’t meet need, particularly for those with 0 EFC. It’s very likely that since you got a bigger scholarship, you’ll get less or no institutional grants.

We see this all the time. Many colleges won’t stack. They’ll subtract grants so that they’ll have more money to give to others. It doesn’t matter that the npc doesn’t know your stats/award. The npc has roughly estimated a combo of merit/grants/scholarships…and not only is that an estimate (meaning not every EFC 0 would get that), they will adjust grants if more merit is received…even if the merit comes from OUTSIDE sources.

So that 1000 merit award that you got could likely mean that the school would remove more institutional aid.

And what will you do for years 2-4 when your Pell Grant, phea grant, and any other need-based aid goes away? You need to look ahead and determine if all 4 years will be affordable, not just year one. You don’t want to have to leave the school especially since you won’t get that kind of merit as a transfer student.

You need to look at from this perspective…for years 2-4, you’ll only get the merit scholarship and a small student loan. How will you cover the rest of tuition/book/etc, while also covering half of your rent/utilities/food?

Run the NPC again with dad’s new income plus your income and see what the result is. If your dad or you have any assets/savings, that will also increase your EFC.