Financial aid packages released

<p>How do you receive the Univ of Miami Grant ?
Whats the criteria for that grant, I did not get it. :(</p>

<p>@johazy I would like to know this also. If I would have gotten that I would be able to go here next year</p>

<p>I was under the impression that grants are always “financial aid” based at every school. Merit is merit. Grants are non-loan financial aid awards. </p>

<p>Anyone know differently??</p>

<p>Yes, the “Miami Grant” - new in Fall of 2011 is non-need based, awarded on academic merit: [Grants</a> | Enrollment Management | University of Miami](<a href=“]Grants”></p>

<p>I also got 16k a year for the Miami Grant, in addition to the other scholarships that I got initially, totaling 41k a year. Does anyone know anything more about the Miami Grant? If its unrelated to the FAFSA why didn’t they tell us initially? Also, when they say its renewable with academic progress, what exactly does that mean? Does that mean you need to maintain a certain GPA or does it mean that as long as your GPA keeps improving, you can keep it. I’m only doubting it because I never thought I would get this much money and I have a feeling that without strict restrictions, they can just take away my money after a year or two. Am I crazy?</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the academic promise is?
This is what I was wondering about:
University of Miami Grants
FAFSA Required?
Full-Time Enrollment Required?
Range of Awards
Florida Residency Required?
Additional Information:
Tuition restricted. Also based on academic promise.</p>

<p>Academic promise, as in this applicant looks academically promising, as in, exhibiting the ability to do well academically.</p>

<p>@pboroidog - the link I put into response #24 is publicly available - google search on University Miami Grants - not like anyone was “hiding” this information. You are not crazy - you may be paranoid however! I don’t know what the university considers “academic progress”, especially from year 1 to 2 since you have no past history to progress from… </p>

<p>Perhaps some parents from past University scholarships or grants could share their sons’ and daughters’ experience with us. Did anyone ever “lose” a scholarship or grant due to poor or declining academic performance? Would the FINAID office contact the student if they were at risk of this happening?</p>

<p>I think there are 2 grants called Miami grants. 1 need based the other not. I think both are based on merit. In other words, if you have financial need ( determined by the University) they can give you the Miami grant to meet the need. Someone who has the same "need " as you, without the stellar application, would be offered loans instead. As far as wanting to know what the terms of the grants are, I think that is only prudent. I wanted to know too, when my daughter was offered one. I remember reading about a situation at Brandeis University where students initially told they could use their merit scholarships for semesters abroad. ( as you can at UM) Brandeis decided to renege on it. There was quite an uproar and I think they had to keep their promise.</p>

<p>Sorry, I missed that question about academic progress.</p>

<p>Academic progress means making progress towards your degree. That is, getting credit hours in, and getting credit hours in in your major. If you’re a junior and haven’t taken any classes in your major yet, or you only have 30 credits, you aren’t making academic progress.</p>

<p>I think this is a criterion for just about any scholarship.</p>

<p>So, I assume that you all have already got admission letters, right?</p>

<p>Yeah, I think everyone on this thread applied EA or ED and has their acceptance letter. RD decisions must be coming very soon tho…</p>

<p>Maybe someone could help appease my fears regarding the financial aid - when I first checked my awards, I found out I got an Endowment/Gift award and a Miami grant - yay! Can afford to go! Then today I checked my e-mail, and there’s a message saying my financial aid has changed. The Endowment award is now $0, but it has been replaced (for the same amount of money, phew!) with the Coral Grant. So I still have the same grant/scholarship money as before, but now I’m concerned that it might change again and I might, for whatever reason, lose my grants. Is this a possibility, and/or has anyone experienced a change like this?</p>

<p>I didn’t even apply for financial aid, didn’t send in the FAFSA, but I received $6,000 in aid along with the $8,000 scholarship I received!</p>

<p>UM seems to be fairly generous with financial aid.</p>


I think this notion can be attributed to the fact that when UM wants somebody, they WANT them and are willing to throw money at them to get them to come to the U. I believe this is part of the reason the U has tremendously grown in terms of quality over the past several years: they need a good student body (in terms of academic quality) and by motivating the students they want to come, they form a good group of “key players.”</p>

<p>Hi i got into Miami early action and was worried to find out that i was not offered any type of collegiate scholarship and that the amount of money that i would receive would solely be on financial aid, but was shocked to find that with my recent financial aid offer i was only given around 15k a year and when i live in an apartment with my mother who makes around 10k a year, i was wondering if this meant that i possibly filled out FAFSA incorrectly or maybe i could ask to be re-evaluated for further aid? Miami is my top choice and i’d be considerably disappointed if i couldnt go based on money, i had planned on visiting sometime later this month, but if i can’t get that changed, there’d be no point. Does anyone have any advice? thanks</p>

<p>I got into Miami, but I did not receive my financial aid package. I found out an hour ago. Does it take a few days, and where do I look on myum account to see my package. Thanks for any help.</p>


If you have completed everything you need in order for your aid to be processed (e.g. the Florida Residency Affidavit if you’re a FL resident), then it should be up if not within a couple of days. To view your award info on myUM, go to “Student” at the top, then financial, then view current awards. You can also see a list of any outstanding documents required in order to further process your financial aid.</p>

<p>I got a big whooping $ 0.00 in scholarships or financial aid. This is completely ridiculous, no help at all. I’m at a loss of words for what to do…</p>

<p>I received an email a few weeks after my acceptance notifying me that my financial aid report was on myUM. It may have been posted way before that but I didn’t check til I received the email. Either way, it will be available later on so do not worry that you do not see a report now.</p>