Financial Aid Packages

<p>When should we expect those? Do they give merit-based grants?</p>

<p>I just looked back in my records and in 2009 they posted my daughter’s FA package in her myum on 3/12. As far as I know all grants are need based.</p>

<p>SVM: If you don’t mind saying, how much in grants did your daughter get?</p>

<p>She got about $10,000 in grants from the school and about $8,000 from the feds. Our ec is extremely low though. Also loans and work study in the package.</p>

<p>Our EFC is probably going to be around 25k-30k, how much would I be able to expect in grants?</p>

<p>I do not know as this is way above what ours is. </p>

<p>Anyone out there have comparable efc to Marinebio444 and could comment on how much they got?</p>

<p>Mine will be something similar, so I will post when I receive my package</p>

<p>According to the FAFSA I filled out my EFC is 0 so about how much financial would I get that is just grant and work study, not loans. I dont want to have to take out any loans because I already have full ride at FSU (although yes it is less “prestigious” of a school). And I dont want to go to UM if Im going to be in debt when I graduate when I can go to a different University and be debt free and actually get paid to go to college. </p>

<p>Also, SVMMom, how did you get 8,000 from the feds? I thought the highest they would give out was 5,500?</p>

<p>mspears…let’s not give up quite yet! I just noticed on Miami’s website:
“University of Miami Grants are need- and merit- based”</p>

<p>Also, on another part of their website this is reinforced with a chart that says University of Miami grants are “Tuition restricted. Also based on academic promise.” Let’s hope that we show enough combined need and academic promise to get some grants!</p>

<p>Tav, the need-based grants and non-need-based scholarships are completely different. Merit scholarships are awarded based on gpa, test scores, class rank, etc and don’t take need into account. Need-based grants are completely dependent on need and availability of funds. Just wanted to clear that up.</p>

<p>Thanks Tav, let’s hope you’re right</p>

<p>Marinebio…I know scholarships are seperate, but the way the website reads, it sounds like they may take academics with a grain of salt when giving need based aid. Maybe I am just reading it wrong, but I don’t think scholarships are tuition restrictive, so it sounds to me like they are talking about grants other than scholarships- especially since it is on the page with other need based grants available.</p>

<p>The scholarships are tuition restrictive. The only one that isn’t is the Stamps Scholarship, which isn’t even listed on the site at this time.</p>

<p>ok well they need to reword the website :)</p>