Financial Aid Package

<p>Just wondering how many people have yet to receive their financial aid package. After emailing someone in the financial aid offices, they said it would be sent "shortly". If so, how generous was UM with grants, loans, etc.?</p>

<p>There have been mixed reviews about the financial aid given, as seen on the Class of 2015 facebook page. I got $20,000 in scholarships with a 0 EFC and they still barely covered my tuition costs, so… I wouldn’t have my hopes up too too high.</p>

<p>I believe just from posts and facebook that if you did not receive a scholarship you received very little of FA regardless of need. Unlike many other universities at the same level, they did not attempt to meet EFCs for most students that were not scholarship winners. They believe the ability to take out unsubsidized loans does meet your needs.</p>

<p>Just received financial aid notification today via myum. I am not scholarship eligible, EFC is $14,000. I received a $4200 grant and $5500 in Stafford Loans.</p>

<p>I haven’t heard yet but I hope that I can afford it.</p>

<p>Mine was posted Tuesday night. My EFC is something around 12k and I got Dickinson scholarship and the Coral Grant for 9,400. Isn’t perfect, but definitely isn’t extremely disappointing or anything.</p>

<p>still waiting to hear…hope there is at least something. Has anyone heard word from the Financial Aid office in the past few days? I called a few weeks ago and they said it should be out in a week or so. Still waiting…</p>