<p>I know the IDOC is due February 15th, but I can't see the dealine for FAFSA. ALso, how flexible is the financial aid office with deadlines? That because it's really early to get your tax forms in February.</p>
Exceedingly flexible. (Check out barkowitz’s recent posts on CC.)</p>
<p>The Feb 15th deadline is in place so you can get a financial aid decision contemporaneous with your admissions decision. If you don’t mind getting your financial aid information after your admissions decision, you can send in the financial aid info late. It won’t affect your chances of getting aid.</p>
<p>sorry to take over this a little…so if the Fianacial Aid office hasn’t yet received our tax forms, even though I sent them, we should not worry about it?</p>
<p>It won’t affect your eligibility for aid. You do want to keep tabs on those forms, though, so Barkowitz and his gang can put together an aid package for you when your MIT decision comes out – you don’t want to have to put off deciding whether or not you want to go to MIT because you don’t have an aid package in hand until late April.</p>