Financial Aid

<p>I’ve checked w/FA at Purdue, and according to them you CAN get a Pres. Scholarship AND the Marquis together…but we, too, will have to wait and see to be sure! Sure hope so.</p>

<p>yeah, that’s what i was thinking.
btw, is it possible to get the marquis scholarship if you are under 40,000 a year? don’t understand why they would target 40,000-100,000 a year and not below that.</p>

<p>That sounds like great news that they let you get a Marquis and a Pres. That would knock out almost all of my tuition money. I wonder if you could use those scholarships for room and board too if you get outside ones as well… </p>

<p>They might automatically give more financial aid for the less than 40k students than the 2k or whatever it is for Marquis. I think it probably exists to help the traditionally ignored middle class, but that’s just a thought.</p>

<p>my Expected family contribution by fafsa is 99,000$
and my parents tell me they can’t afford it for 4 years !!!

<p>Anyone have any update on FA? A couple of days ago they listed my son scholarship but since then that has disappeared and nothing again.</p>

<p>we too have not been able to see our D’s scholarship via the “mypurdue”, I called Financial Aid and was told it would show up when all the other financial info was available.</p>

<p>suebinor… did they tell you on April 1st it would show up?</p>

<p>FA packages are up…just checked my purdue.</p>

<p>Mine isn’t up yet. Bummer. Oh well.</p>

<p>thanks GoGiantsfan29. you are so helpful :)</p>

<p>And, all I have is my Presidential, so I guess that’s all I get out of Purdue.</p>


<p>The following information is based on your status as a Full Time Enrollment student receiving financial aid for the Fall-Spring Semesters. </p>

<p>Your estimated cost of attendance is $43,440.00.
Based on your academic transcript, the status of your academic progress is SATI Satisfactory as of Fall 2011.
View your financial aid history.</p>

<p>Ours was posted this evening. Clearly showed scholarship award, but it was confusing on how to deny loans being offered. We were offered 2 loans, but there seemed to be only one box to click to accept or deny.</p>

<p>How does the cost of attendance differ?
mine is 42K</p>

<p>Different programs (I think it’s engineering, technology, and management) have extra fees.</p>

<p>cheesecake - yours is not updated yet.<br>
Why does Purdue include these cost in total figure… Do we have to pay this upfront with the tuition and room and board?
Books and Supplies </p>

Transportation </p>

Miscellaneous </p>

Non-Midwest Travel Allowance </p>


<p>Thanks GoGiantsfan!</p>

<p>GoGiantsFan29 - I think it’s just an estimation of what you can expect to pay for college. I believe the only money you pay to Purdue is Room and Board and tuition. The rest is just estimations of other things to keep in mind.</p>

<p>FA decisions are definitely up. Very pleased with ours! And our son did get a Presidential AND the Marquis. My feeling is that the Marquis is for families down to $40,000/year because under that is the qualification for the 21st Century Scholars. Also, next to every loan offered, on ours anyway, is a box you can highlight and then click “accept” or “deny” for the loan. And my feeling as to why they “pad” the figures w/books, travel, misc. is that 1) those amounts will be true expenses to be planned for, and 2)they try to pad the starting figure up a little higher, because the higher the starting figure the more wiggle room they have when figuring in financial aid (ie. between COA less EFC). It ends up showing more need and they can offer a little more?</p>

<p>Thanks Guys… I was trying to figure out what I have to write the check out for come August… But makes sense to pad it some… We are OSS and son is still deciding if Michigan is worth 20,000 more per year then Purdue.</p>