<p>I am looking into University of Rochester and I was wondering if they were good at offering need-based and merit-based aid. Typically what students get this aid? Does it seem to follow the rule that those with SAT scores that put them in the top 25% are at a higher chance of receiving it?</p>
<pre><code>(First number is Freshmen / Second is Total undergraduates)
<p>Need based aid:
Students who applied for financial aid 78% 68%
Those determined to have financial need 57% 56%
Students whose need was fully met (excluding PLUS or other private loans) 100% 41%
Avg. financial aid package (% awarded aid) $25,741 (57%) $24,474 (56%)
Avg. need-based scholarships or grants (% awarded aid) $21,544 (57%) $19,585 (56%)
Avg. self-help aid, such as work study or loans (% awarded aid) $5,088 (48%) $6,017 (47%)
Avg. need-based loan (excluding PLUS or other private loans) $4,023 $5,076
% need met (of those awarded need-based aid) 100% 87%</p>