Financial Aid

<p>University of Miami sounds like a really good school to go to. The thing is though it's a bit pricey with it being a priavte school and all. What types pf financial aids are offered and how many people receive them?</p>


<p>Welcome. The folowing link should give you an idea of the merit scholarships available: </p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> for New Freshmen | University of Miami](<a href=“,1770,6802-1;8103-2,00.html]Scholarships”>,1770,6802-1;8103-2,00.html)</p>

<p>Please also note that there are other scholorships available by school/department (for example, the School of Business awards a freshman scholarship to select students irregardless of university-level awards)</p>

<p>In order to have a general idea of the requirements for merit scholorships, the international page gives you some idea:</p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> for New International Freshmen | University of Miami](<a href=“]Scholarships”> </p>

<p>Approximately 85% of students receive some form of financial aid at UM. This is need based as well as merit aid. The FAFSA and its resulting EFC come into play for need based aid, as always.</p>