
<p>Hey this is kinda a question in general about college, but since it applies to Miami the most for me, I'd thought I'd post it here. </p>

<p>I recently got 21k in need based aid from Providence College, a private school with a similar price to Miami. Does this mean I should expect a similar number from Miami assuming I get accepted? Or at least anything at all?</p>


<p>Hi I don’t think you would get the same amount from Miami because Miami is a “more selective” school plus it is about twice the size of Providence college. but If you do need financial aid you will probably receive something if you get accepted.</p>

<p>what do you think I would get? Maybe 10 thousand?</p>

<p>And the need based grants can be based on the selectivity of the school? I thought it was solely determined on financial need.</p>

<p>I don’t think need based financial aid has much to do with the selectivity of the college. I am also hoping to get money from UM. I think that you should expect around the same amount as you got at PC and depending on your grades and such you may be eligible for a merit based scholarship.</p>

<p>thanks i certainly hope so. even a little less would be fine.<br>
I applied regular decision, and I know its well advertised that you have to apply early for scholarship opportunity, but is this only for the merit based?</p>

<p>I do believe that you have to apply early for merit based. You have to fill out the FAFSA and everything for need-based and they will send your information to the schools that you select. Miami’s deadline for the FAFSA is Feb 1 so if you haven’t done that yet then you may want to.</p>

<p>You don’t have to apply early for merit based scholarships. I applied regular decision and received a scholarship as did many of my friends who also had applied regular decision. It doesn’t matter when you apply for need-based money either.</p>

<p>It is not that you can not get merit or fin aid in regular, it is the amount that you get. They are much more generous in early d and a. I was told by the financial aid dept. recently to do the FAFSA immediately because they have less money to give and those who apply early will get funds and the later applicants might not get very much.</p>

<p>SVMMom I have a quick question…
How big is Miami on diversity?
I have 3 nationalities (U.S Mexico Spain)
I have spent the last two years living in Mexico taking 14 classes in Spanish and have a 3.8 UW GPA (my school doesnt offer aps or honors or any different level classes because we are a small grade 56 students of which I am 3rd)
I am not applying for financial aid (does that help my chances) and my SATs are 1310/1910
basically I would like to know what my chances are? :slight_smile:
oh and i was selected for a spanish program by the King of Spain two summers ago to travel with 350 other kids from around the world and only 4 were selected from the US)
thanks :)</p>

<p>UMiami is very diverse… [Student</a> Enrollment ? Fall 2009 | University of Miami](<a href=“]Student”>
as of Fall 2009 (undergrads): 53% White, 29% Hispanic, 9% Asian, 9% Black, and 0% Native American… however, some people do not indicate their race on their application (I don’t because I am about 8% Native American and my mom says thats not enough lol)
I think that you have a good chance… if your school offers extracurriculars, I would suggest becoming involved (if you aren’t already). I would also suggest getting your SAT scores as high as possible.
Not applying for financial aid does not help your chances. Also, although you are not applying for financial aid, applying EA or ED boosts your chances of getting a merit scholarship =]</p>

<p>Yeah I’m in the debate club at my school and my teacher who wrote my REC said it’s the best he’s ever done so I’m hopeful and too late for getting my SATs up I only took it twice (first just to see how it was and then I studied) I just hope my “diversity” helps me and I did apply EA and I am literally freaking out cuz it’s so soon yet seems so far away! I visited it in November and loved the campus and Miami. Also being Hispanic and being able to speak Spanish around campus would be fun because of all the cultural mix… If only i was native american instead haha :)</p>

<p>ahh I applied EA as well =] I’m so nervous and some people have already found out… some on myUM and others by mail. I want to know nowwww lol
I did the umiami summer scholars program (its 3 weeks long!!) and I absolutely fell in love with it. I also got my professors to write recs for me so thats def a plus!
I noticed people speaking spanish, but I take french so I couldn’t understand =[ but I am thinking about taking Spanish in college.
Is UM your first choice?</p>

<p>That’s probably going to help you a lot that your professors wrote you recs, and i saw your chance thread i’m pretty sure you have a good chance!
What’s annoying is that the decisions are already made but we still don’t know, so we can only hope for the best!
Yeah UM is definitely my first choice. I’ve gotten accepted to Elon, UVM, and Cofc (which were safeties) and then I applied regular to American (match i have been told), Fairfield (safety) URichmond (reach) Vanderbilt (extreme reach only applied because my brother goes there and my parents wanted me to)</p>

<p>Exactly!! I mean, I don’t understand why they must torture us lol they should just put the decisions online already.
I’m 5 for 5 so far, which makes me nervous that UM will be my first rejection =/ It’s my first choice too and the only one I really want to go to. So far, I’ve been accepted to Florida State, Central Florida, Drexel, Virginia Commonwealth, and Ithaca. Besides UM, I’m still waiting to hear from USC, NYU, BU, RIT, Syracuse, and UHartford (I think I’m going to withdraw my app here because this is my dead last choice lol).</p>


<p>Miami is big on diversity and from your stats I would hazard a guess that you are in! 3.8 GPA and 1310 sat puts you in great shape.</p>

<p>Good Luck! The U is a fantastic place!!!</p>

<p>@ SVMMom - Would you happen to know the average stats of students who get the Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholarship or the University scholarship? I’m a 4.0 2370 valedictorian with a really competitive profile, and I would really like to get the Singer scholarship. I know there’s an interview and stuff later on, but if you had stats on what types of people got it, I would really appreciate that.</p>

You will likely get a Singer invite.
They used to post the stats for all merit money on the website but don’t know if they still do that.</p>

<p>I do not have stats but I also think you have a great chance. Hunt around these recent threads. There were a couple of posts from people who got it last year where they listed their stats. Good luck!</p>

<p>Average for a Singer invite was top 3% of your class and a 2300+ SAT or 35+ ACT</p>

<p>so yes you have a very good shot at getting the Singer scholarship. practice your interviews a little and good luck!</p>