Financial Aid?

<p>Hey all, I'm a rising senior interested in L&C. I was just wondering if anyone knows how good the financial aid is, like approximately how many students are on aid, and what percent of need is met? </p>

<p>Hope you can help!</p>

<p>From what I’ve read, financial aid has been mixed at L&C. It ranges from $0 all the way to full tuition. A lot depends on you personal situation and the financial position of your parents. If you’re academic ranking is high, you’ll get some scholarships (not guaranteed though). If your expected family contribution is low, you’ll get some grant money. You’ll likely get offered a Stafford loan too. Work study may also be offered. </p>

<p>For my son, he received all of the above. The scholarship and grant funds were enough to tip the balance to L&C over an OOS public university (most aid would have been in loans). As for percent of need met, I’d guess they try to cover anything above your expected family contribution.</p>

<p>This site shows the FA stats: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It looks as though the % of full need met was pretty good and the average was a 1/2 scholarship (those who were need only - if you were also eligible for merit aid you would get much higher).</p>