L&C FinAid

<p>Lewis & Clark is my top choice for college, however, I cannot afford paying 43K for college. I did not receive any need based aid. I received 12K in merit scholarships.
Does anyone know how the appeal process works? I would really love to attend Lewis & Clark.</p>

<p>[Undergraduate</a> Policies - Financial Aid - Offices - Lewis & Clark](<a href=“http://www.lclark.edu/offices/financial_aid/undergrad/policies/]Undergraduate”>Undergraduate Policies -Financial Aid - Lewis & Clark)</p>

<p>Are you sure you won’t be receiving any needs based aid? As I recall, my son received a merit aid scholarship with his acceptance letter. It also said he’d receive additional financial aid later. A few weeks later, he received additional merit aid, federal loans and work study. I’d contact the Financial Aid Office to see if anything else will be offered to you.</p>

<p>Yep I’m sure I won’t be receiving any need based aid. I called my admission officer and asked her if there was anyway to up my merit aid, but she said they only handle merit aid at the time of admission. She told me to call the office of financial aid to see if I could get any need based aid. I’m also going to call to see what they can do about my money problem.</p>

<p>Are you going to try to appeal for more aid?</p>

<p>Why is L & C your top choice?</p>

<p>Yepp I’m definitely still going to try. Just visited Lewis&Clark today. It was as perfect as I imagined. I love the vibe of the campus. Absolutely gorgeous. Everyone I talked to was really nice. I don’t really know how to explain. You just have to visit. I guess it just really fits me.</p>