Financial aid.

<p>I'm excited to say that I received my big L&C packet a few days ago. The only thing that I am relatively worried about is that I was not awarded any scholarships or notified of any indication of financial aid at all.</p>

<p>Soooo...does this mean that I won't be receiving any assistance whatsoever? L&C is currently in the top tier of my college list, and there's a large possibility that I may choose to attend the college, but I'm afraid I will not be able to do so because of tuition cost. </p>

<p>I would very much like some insight/advice on the matter. Thanks in advance! :)</p>

<p>DD received a financial package today. If you applied for financial aid, you should also receive one in the coming days.</p>

<p>I applied EA and scholarship came with acceptance letter, but that may be different for RD. Good luck!</p>