Financial and academic Journalism safeties

<p>I'm looking for both financial and academic safeties for a Journalism major. We definitely qualify for need based aid, but I'm still worried.</p>

<p>My stats:
- ACT 33
- SAT 2250
- GPA UW 3.6 (though I go to a very competitive HS.) Two Cs in advanced math classes. (My biggest concern!)
- Very strong recommendation letters</p>

<p>Schools I'm applying to:
- Northwestern
- Syracuse
- Mizzou
- Boston U
- UNC Chapel Hill
- UMD College Park
- American (Should I?)
- Washington & Lee (Should I?)</p>

<p>Any recommendations of your safety Journalism schools would be much appreciated! :)</p>

<p>Well, since none of those are in-state (Wait, is USC Southern Cal or S. Carolina…if Carolina, that<code>s a safety) then I</code>d say none are safeties, but with USC (If Cal), Boston, and UMD, and Mizzou are probably ones you`ll get into. Syracuse and UNC too, maybe. Northwestern and NYU are competitive, so who know. Sure, apply if you want to.

Don`t know anything regarding financial aid.</p>

<p>Mizzou is a safety for you and you will be admitted directly to their school of journalism - they have rolling admissions so you will get your admission letter very quickly (BTW, don’t waste your money sending Mizzou both your ACT and SAT scores - I would recommend that you only send the ACT). </p>

<p>Given your ACT/GPA/geographic location, I would say that USC/NYU/Syracuse/BU are low reaches for you, if not safeties. Northwestern is a reach, but you are likely to be admitted.</p>

<p>Syracuse is known for offering excellent financial aid, while NYU is not. Mizzou will give you an automatic scholarship (Mark Twain Nonresident Scholarship) that will cover part of your out of state tuition. You are also likely to qualify for the Mizzou Honors College. </p>

<p>As an aside, the schools that you mention are all very different (NYU and Syracuse, as an example, are polar opposites as it relates to campus, “feel”, and location). </p>

<p>Good luck to you.</p>

<p>I would say Boston U, American, Elon (they have a good journalism program) and Univ of Miami would be good safeties. USC is very difficult to get into as is Northwestern, and Syracuse, but it look likes you’ve got the grades for them. Wash and Lee as well. </p>

<p>Have you gotten any newspaper experience in or out of school covering any big events? That always helps to show your interest. And remember, focus on something you want to report about - the paradigm is shifting so that you pick a major and minor in journalism so you become an expert in the field, whether it be sports, finance, poli sci, law, entertainment, etc. </p>

<p>U of Toronto has a new program where they are taking the brightest students - Rhodes and Fulbright scholars who are experts in their fields and doing an experiment with the newspapers to see if they can turn these scholars into journalists with a “boot let journalism camp.” Multi-platform journalism is the new dynamic so you can’t walk into a college and say I just want radio or tv or print…it has to be ALL including digital media (ie. social media).</p>