Journalism Major: Financial Safety Schools?

<p>I'm a senior and an intended Journalism major. I've realized I would like some more "financial safety" colleges in my mountains of apps I'm currently finishing up. I would prefer to stick to the North East (I'm from NH, and a lot of schools I'm applying to are in the Boston area), and definately has to be somewhere on EST (such as UNC Chapel Hill.. which is sort of a financial "safety" i suppose). </p>

<p>What are some cheap colleges (or at least ones that offer great financial aid) with a great Journalism program that meets this critera??</p>

<p>All suggestions/comments/etc. are welcome so don't hesitate!!! Thanks for your time!</p>

<p><em>bump</em> please and thank you for any and all advice/comments/etc.</p>

<p>UMD’s Merrill College of Journalism is pretty good.</p>


<p>I’ve been a journalist for nearly 30 years (yeah, I can’t believe it either). I graduated with a degree in English with a minor in Journalism at a California State U. </p>

<p>My advice, having been around the business so long is to look at state schools in major metropolitan cities. There you’ll get the most internship possibilities and internships are critical if you’re serious about getting into the field.</p>