Financial Questions

Hello all!
Alabama is at the top of my college choices, I’m just waiting to hear back from a few schools to compare costs.
I joined the UA 2019 Facebook group and have been talking to a few girls on there (all in Honors College- some that are committed and some that are not). I’m a little confused about the downpayment for enrollment and housing. If I do decide to go to UA would I have to pay my enrollment/housing before Feb 1, or if I pay after Feb 1, would one of the girls I’m currently talking to be able to chose me to be in her room?

I retook my SAT in December to qualify for a better scholarship and sent those scores in. I know the score was received as the score in my Honors College Application was updated. When should I expect to hear that I got that scholarship & any other scholarship from the scholarship application (if I receive any at all)?
I submitted the FAFSA about a week a go, does anyone know how long it will take to find out what my federal grant amount will be to UA?
Lastly, if I receive any outside scholarships such as community scholarships, will that reduce the amount of federal aid I receive or only if it exceeds tuition costs?

I know I asked many questions so thank you so much for your attention!

“will that reduce the amount of federal aid I receive…”

Have you filled out FAFSA? What is your likely EFC?

Congrats on your new scores…what is your M+CR?/

How much will your family pay each year?

How much in fed aid are you expecting?

Deferred D: White, Catholic female from PA 4.1 GPA 1850 SAT Two leadership positions, and a few other clubs. Excellent recs


@mom2collegekids‌ Yes I filled out the fafsa. I can’t remember the exact amount but my EFC was around 1600. My parents have been saving for years so I know they can contribute more, but finances certainly are a major part of our decision.
Although my superscore went up to a 1920 (1320 m&cr) I only qualify for the $4,000/year scholarship as my m&cr for one test was only a 1280. I also filled out UAs other scholarship application and plan to apply for outside scholarships…

@AlexisOh …did your parents fill out FAFSA or did you? If they have been saving for years for college, did you put in that amount on FAFSA? How much was that amount?

It sounds like your family is low income if your EFC was around 1600. That would be an income of about $35k-40k…does that sound right?

I don’t think UA will be affordable since the OOS cost is so high. I don’t think you should be depositing until you have the money figured out at the school you will be attending.

@mom2collegekids‌ I filled out the FAFSA and my mother has to make changes so I’m sure my EFC will change. My parents do make more than 40k.
Can you answer any of my original questions or is there no absolute answer?

If you decide to attend UA and pay your housing deposit later, someone who has paid an earlier deposit and therefore has an earlier pick date is able to pull you in as a roommate.

Any scholarship based on test scores and GPA is automatic so I would not worry about notification.

I cannot help with the other questions.

I submitted the FAFSA about a week a go, does anyone know how long it will take to find out what my federal grant amount will be to UA?



Until your mom does updates, no one knows. You say that your parents earn more than $40k…and they have savings. It is possible that your EFC will rise to an amount that won’t qualify for a fed grant.

Do your parents make any retirement contributions? If so, those amounts need to be added back in.

Lastly, if I receive any outside scholarships such as community scholarships, will that reduce the amount of federal aid I receive or only if it exceeds tuition costs?


If you qualify for a Pell Grant (EFC lower than about $5k) then you get the Pell Grant no matter what. Pell Grant amounts vary from about 5700 (for a 0EFC) to about $200 for an EFC around $5000.

Thank you @mom2collegekids you have been very helpful :slight_smile: