Finding a NMF roommate: is it possible?

<p>bamagirls–I absolutely, positively was not responding to your post. Just a little early morning humor here and a reference to the thread as a whole being done (for me). Others are free to carry on as they wish, of course.</p>

<p>We good, bamagirls? I think we’ve agreed with one another on most things and I value your contributions. It would be a shame if you left this forum. Please don’t.</p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Absolutely, Malani. We’re good. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>bamagirls, I don’t disagree with anything you posted and I took the original post the same way you did. In fact I don’t even disagree with what westcoastmom said. But you know how I am about outsiders coming on this board. </p>

<p>Family can rip family but when an outsider does it I have to protect the kin folk.</p>

<p>I hope everyone is good and hope I didn’t offend anyone. I try to come from the perspective that it is good to see all the different viewpoints whether you agree or not and that often people will interpret a post in many different ways so their response will be based on their interpretation. I did just assume the OP was thinking of D staying on campus all 4years even though not mentioned as I equate NMF with on-campus housing for 4 years/they would lose NMF housing portion if going off so just wanted to share that there is a benefit of being a “stay-put” in terms of dorm/room selection time in future years if you were fortunate enough to coordinate freshman year with 3 other’s you could be compatible with for all the years (probably a tall order.) However, I can also see how the original post was taken differently, can appreciate others being offended, and also respect that OP understood that when brought to her attention.</p>

<p>P.S. Casino…So happy to see you back! :)</p>


<p>I understand and I completely agree with you.:slight_smile: You and I are good…no problems here!</p>


<p>We’re good, too. I’m wasn’t trying to stir the pot, I wanted to be clear of what initiated my response and the responses of others to the reasoning in most of the OP’s posts. (Don’t worry, I’m not going to repeat them again.) I don’t get my feathers ruffled easily, but I did read each and every post the OP made very carefully and chronologically. Frankly, it doesn’t bother me who rooms with whom, but the assumptions in the posts bothered me. She’s apologized and I’m big enough to let it go without any hard feelings…especially if it means this thread will dry up and go away. Anyway, no worries…you didn’t offend and we are all good. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>On the other hand, I just came back from swimsuit shopping with my 3 girls (which is always a cause for concern) and a random sales clerk felt the need to respond to my Tusk wear shirt with “War Eagle”…bad move on his part…uh…42-14 sound familiar? Or how 'bout 14 and counting, Dude? Roll Tide you little war chicken!..not you trvlbug, the clerk.</p>



<p>lol WELL DONE!! I wish I’d have been there to see the look on his face when you lit into him. Next time you go swimsuit shopping you should invite me along :-)</p>

<p>It’s a deal.</p>