Finish with University or Trade School?

Currently, I am in a difficult situation. I know what I want in life, in terms of a career, lifestyle, etc. But what is stopping me right now is which path do I go fourth with.

Im currently into my 2nd year, finishing spring semester, at a great school. Cal State Long Beach, pursing a B.S. in Accountancy. Although I have invested 2 years of my life for this degree, out of 5 years, Im considering dropping it completely to focus on what I really want to do; Process Plant Technology.

I was admitted to this reputable & great Trade School/Program (Jan 2015), which offers a Process Plant Technology Certification (1 Year PTEC Program) and allows me to learn the fundamentals of Oil Refining Basics, and Water Treatment. Upon receiving this certification, I can apply and eventually land a job that pays over 50k, starting.

For those wondering, I am juggling both schools at once and its tough.
But please give me some input, because I am too stressed out with what to do.
My parents don’t want me leaving the University because they fear I will school for good. Not true at all.

Now is a very good time to be out of the oil services job market… If you can handle it, stick with both. When oil comes back, you’ll have a unique and very marketable skilset.