Finishing Senior Year Online?

<p>So I will be a senior this year. I have attended public high school my whole life from kindergarden to junior year. However, last year I began participating in a pre-college program for musical theatre, which is what I plan on majoring in in college. I left school at 11:30 and took theater classes downtown from 1:30-5. I also took all AP and honors classes at my school, I've been in these classes all throughout high school. However, next year I will not be able to take any of the classes I wanted to due to them being in the afternoon at my high school. My junior year happened to be that all my classes were in the morning so it worked out. So, I would have to take regular classes my senior year. I'm worried that colleges will think I slacked off senior year since I've taken all honors and AP classes up to now. I also DO wanna take AP classes to get credit and since a lot of the schools I'm looking at are top tiers, I feel like I need to have these classes. I get good grades and I'm in NHS. Also, at my school, we need to write a research paper to graduate. If you take Honors English 11, you do this then, thus you don't have to worry about it senior year. If you took regular you write the paper senior year. I already wrote my paper and got an A. If I take regular english this year, I will waste a whole quarter while they write their paper. I don't know what they will have me do instead, but I don't wanna waste 45 days of my senior year while everyone else writes the paper. I only go to school four hours as it is, and I'm only getting one class I actually wanna take at my high school. If I finish school online, I can take the classes I want to take such as AP Pysch, AP Lit, and classes I'm actually interested in. Also, I only take four-five classes, so I want them to be AP and honors since they are weighted higher, so I can get a higher GPA. I also was thinking that I could possibly graduate early and then when I am auditioning for colleges, I will be able to focus on that and not worry about midterms or missing schools to travel. So my question is should I finish my high school career online rather than sacrificing my senior year?
If you took time to read all that, well I thank you very much!</p>

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<p>That was a pretty long read…hahaha and slightly confusing towards the end with the long sentences. Try using paragraphs next time, it makes it a less daunting task to some readers. :)</p>

<p>But anyways, I think you shouldn’t try doing your senior year online, though i m not familiar with it, i really dont know what colleges would think of that. It’s good that you are really committing to something such as acting. May I ask would you be pursuing a theatrical career or at least major in some performing arts for college?</p>

<p>If you are, there is not much point in taking all the extra AP courses, just keep up solid grades, and as long as you excel in one field such as performing arts, colleges would recognize that you aim to major in the theatrical field, and thus your acting commitments would give you a good chance of acceptance. Most colleges look to accept people who are unique and are really committed to a certain field and in your case would be acting.</p>

<p>If you are not pursing such a career and just having it as a hobby, i suggest you to cut down the time to at least half, and push it until after school, and take your acting classes after school.</p>

<p>This is all personal opinion though, so discuss it a bit more, if you haven’t already, with your family, teachers or even friends. :slight_smile: Maybe some more CCers can help out too.</p>

<p>I’ve talked to my guidance counselor about doing something similar. He basically said that I should do whatever is more convenient and that colleges will be impressed if you’re dedicating yourself to an online program. If you decide to take the regular courses at your school, I’d agree with the last poster. If your grades are solid, it will boost your GPA and be less work load for you so you can focus on your preforming arts. </p>

<p>I was wondering what site you’re using for your online course?
Good luck :)</p>

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