First Admission Decision! What to do for NMSF to inform UA?

<p>Admitted to UA!!! Honors College next! Will daughter need to let them know about NMSF for Honors College application??</p>

<p>Your daughter should already know if she is a NMSF. If her high school hasn’t told her yet and she exceeded the required score for your state – there are threads here on CC that list the score for each state – then you need to contact her guidance counselor right away to obtain the log in to fill out the next phase of paperwork. </p>

<p>If I misread your post and she already knows she is a NMSF and you are asking whether she needs to know whether she has moved on from semi-finalist to finalist to apply to honors, the answer is “no.” You will not learn that until the spring – so just list NMSF on the application. Admission to the honors college is based on GPA and test scores. The selective programs (Fellows and CBH) use a holistic process, but their applications are due before NMF decisions are released – so there really isn’t a scenario that would suggest waiting until NMF decisions are announced.</p>