First Bama Bound Summer 2012

<p>Well, the first Honors Bama Bound will be tomorrow, May 25th. Hoping that all who attend have a “BAMA BLAST”!! That wish goes for all of you students/parents attending the subsequent Bama Bounds as well.</p>

<p>Want to report on the campus, the Bama Bound experience, your observations and (of course) your restaurant reviews: Here is a place to do it…we await all the good news…</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>^^Bump for later today reports</p>

<p>D is there now, having a great time and loves the dorms. Too busy to text her mom today, of course, but will surely have much to share after she flies home tomorrow. Roll Tide!</p>


<p>Have you posted in the Incoming Freshman Roll Call thread? If not, please do! </p>


<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>My dd is also there – flying solo! I am anxiously awaiting a report on how she is doing. She drove down from STL with a friend and I know they had a blast at an Italian restaurant in the downtown area of Tuscaloosa last night. They both really liked the food and atmosphere. It was near Chuck’s Fish (which is my personal favorite.) :)</p>

<p>As of 7:30 this morning she was making her way to the campus. That is a good sign --that she was up and on time!</p>

<p>Still a little confused about the parking. Does the parking pass give us access to any parking area or just the Ferg garage?</p>

<p>The Ferg deck will be the best place for you to park. You will not have access to the student parking beneath RCS. I think you’ll find the Ferg deck very centrally located, especially since most activities will be in that area. Have a great time!:)</p>

<p>Usually they have the arms up during events like this so you may not have to pay to park.</p>

<p>Word just in from DD. She just finished her orientation and registration and is headed home tonight. For the most part, things went smoothly. Placement tests were a breeze and very well organized. She placed in SP 204 so she is very pleased. :)</p>

<p>Registration was another story. She was prepared prior to arriving. She had her “wish schedule” planned in DegreeWorks prior to arrival. She even got a local UA student (how wonderful is the Bama Community) to help her navigate and explain DegreeWorks and recommend classes/teachers. DD only experienced one small glitch. DD had a question regarding her required UH 103 class that is part of the Alabama Action program. The class was closed and she was advised by the counselor she could not take it at all. When my dd tried to ask questions on what to do, the counselor was unfriendly and unwilling to help. My dd sought out her friend’s counselor who reviewed dd’s schedule and assured her it was good and gave her a contact name/number to follow up with regarding the UH 103 class. </p>

<p>All is good now and dd feels good overall about the experience. I advised her to put herself in that counselor’s shoes and remember everyone has a bad day every now and then…especially when it is a friday before a holiday weekend. :slight_smile: DD is very excited to be headed BAMA bound this fall! RTR!</p>

<p>Personally, I am a little disappointed. DD received no real input from advisor. Her schedule is:</p>

<p>BSC 108 - 4 hrs
GBA 145 - 1 hr
CS 102 - 3 hrs
IHP 155 - 3 hrs
UN 120 - 1 hr</p>

<p>She could not get into Honors Econ 110 with the teacher she wanted. She could not get into any 200 English Lit class. She could not get into Spanish 101. She could not get into an honors fine arts class. These are the only core requirements she needs besides another Natural Science. Anything else needs a pre-requisite of Econ or CS 102.</p>

<p>Are we missing something? I went and looked and I think she is right. All those classes appear full right now.</p>

<p>Your schedule is not set in stone.</p>

<p>Every time there is a new Bama Bound session spots in classes may open up. (If trying for upper level classes) If your child is trying to enroll in Freshman classes seats are reserved for every Bama Bound.</p>

<p>So your child can sign on to mybama and fiddle with her schedule all summer!</p>

<p>Also upperclassmen change classes over the summer too! So there is a possibility of spots opening all summer long!</p>

<p>collegeboom - was your D unable to get into ANY economics class, or is she choosing not to take economics until she can take the honors section she wants? I thought there were plenty of seats in the regular econ class. My D is apparently going to have similar problems. She doesn’t need econ or very many gen eds, and the business law and accounting classes she wants are full. Did you seek out anyone at CBA for help?</p>

<p>Well, my soph son couldn’t get honors Econ with the highly rated prof either, but there are honors spots open as well as regular spots. As far as 200 level English, yes a lot of those spots are taken by sophs as well. My s is taking one. He placed out of Comp with AP’s.
Don’t feel your D has to take all her core requirements freshman year or first semester. My S is technically a Jr next semester and he still has one or 2 core classes to take- Lit & W’s.The goal is to get a good freshman schedule that will lead to to future success. First semester is the
only tough semester as far as reg.
My S went to a later BB last year as well, so not a ton of choices. But it all works out.
Spanish 101 is surprisj g. But things will open up.</p>

<p>My daughter got the following classes:
MA 113 -3
SP 201 -3
COM 220 -3
UH 210 - 3
BSC 108 w/ lab - 4</p>

<p>She was able to get her Fridays free except for one morning class. She still needs UH 103 for Alabama Action, but it was closed. She has a contact name to get additional information.</p>

<p>She is still in route home so I haven’t had a chance to get the all the details of the experience. She did say she had to pay $40 to join two clubs. I did not expect that, but I am glad I sent her with some extra money. She said she joined Fate which has free food events throughout the year (shocking she would be interested in that) and the other was Honors Assembly which plans stuff (her words) for the Honors College.</p>

<p>Idinct: - That is where an advisor would have been good for her. She doesn’t know what other electives she should take. She just has her core classes and like I mentioned she either could not get into them or they had pre-req. Any suggestions? I understand that sophomores get those classes but Alabama should except a lot of incoming freshman to come in with AP credits and will need a chance to get into upper level courses their first year. </p>

<p>Beth’s mom: Yes, she was trying to get into the one professor for the one Honors class. She read rate my professor and she also talked to current students about Economics. She will wait for the spring to take it or take it at home in the summer. She also tried LGS but not the accounting course. Hopefully Spanish or a English Lit will open up.</p>

<p>STLcrimsonmom: Which FA arts class? Arts of Tuscaloosa? Are you from TX by chance?</p>

<p>Yes Collegeboom an advisor would have been helpful to your D. Sorry y’all are having such problems.</p>

<p>Collegeboom - Yes, she got the Arts of Tuscaloosa class. We are from St. Louis, MO. Sorry, not Texas, but out of state and far from home too. :slight_smile: DD is taking the Arts class with a friend from home who has the car to get them around for the art events. Both stl girls are extremely friendly and eager to make friends if your DD is taking the class too.</p>

<p>Do the kids need to bring their laptops for any reason? (I am planning on bringing mine.)</p>

<p>My DD did not need one. Her traveling companion did bring one, but did not pull it out. They were in a computer type lab for registration. Go ahead and bring yours – you can always use it in the Starbucks during your downtime. :)</p>

<p>stlcrimsonmom: She did not take Arts of Tuscaloosa. She wants to take it in the spring. She would have liked to make new friends! I asked without even looking at your name! She met a girl at Bama Bound that had signed up for it and asked her to do it with her. She met a few girls there and got some classes with them. Very friendly!</p>

<p>On a good note :slight_smile: Classes are opening up all the time. Her schedule is not perfect but it is getting better! So - for those who were frustrated at Bama Bound - keep looking! We are feeling much better about her first semester at Bama! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>good note Classes are opening up all the time. Her schedule is not perfect but it is getting better! So - for those who were frustrated at Bama Bound - keep looking! We are feeling much better about her first semester at Bama! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Oh good. By the time school starts, she can probably tweak it a bit more to get what mostly what she wants. </p>

<p>I know that it can be frustrating for those with AP credits who want to move onto the soph classes, and many of those are full. I don’t think the school can/should set aside some of those classes for incoming frosh at the risk that doing so will cause sophomores not to graduate on time. Colleges have to allow the upper classmen “first dibs” on classes because they’ve got fewer semesters left to finish on time. </p>

<p>An incoming frosh with lots of APs can still get a great schedule. It may involve taking a course just for interest or starting on a minor or checking over the summer for a desired class to get an empty seat.</p>