<p>Hey everyone, this is my first chances thread and is kind of intimidating... I found myself all through high school year preparing for college. Finding the right ECs was always a hard balance for me along with enjoying the hs experience. What would Oprah do?</p>
<p>Chances For:
Boston University
Boston College
Tufts University
Brown University
Rhode Island University
UCB (I think my parents might want to move.)
one of the UMass's as a safety</p>
<p>Background: Vietnamese Male
Incoming Senior (Will be 17 in January)
School: A VERY SMALL private Catholic School in Lowell, MA
Class of ~70: rank 1 or 2
We have never really sent anyone to a top top school probably, the best in the past few years was BC, BU, and NYU. However, my school has a lot of faith in my class, we are by the most competitive ever.</p>
<p>Scores: SAT total: 2110 (Definite retake)
Math: 660 (Ahh!! I know, definitely retaking. Math had always been my strongest in practice exams. Getting close to 800 hopefully.)
CR: 690 (Hopefully go up to 730 area.)
Writing: 760 (~crosses fingers~ it stays the same)</p>
<p>I will be taking SAT IIs in Math II, Biology, and Physics. (Expecting 700+.)
And APs include Lit, Calc AB, and APUSH. </p>
<p>School: Cumulative GPAweighted 4.441. Unweighted is close to a 4.0 I believe.
(I took as many honors/APs as possible in my curriculum.)
I am participating in a very selective program at my locall UMass called TEAMS Academy for senior year. I will be in advanced math/science courses at the university campus (they will be counted as APs gpa wise). Only 30 students were selected from the entire Merrimack Valley region. (2 were accepted from my school)</p>
<p>Awards: Annual awards for excellence in various classes in school.
Student of the Quarter in Sophmore year.
St. Michael's College Book Award for academics/volunteering.</p>
<p>Volunteering: 100 hrs at local Food Bank
50+ hrs as student ambassador (various events and open houses all through hs)</p>
<p>ECS: Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society- Charter Member, Secretary
National Honor Society
Student Council<br>
Student Ambassador League (form. known as Crusader Club) - Charter Member
Freshman and Sophmore Class Officer - Vice President<br>
Junior Class Officer - President
Senior Class Officer - VP<br>
Book Club - Founder
Mock Trial - Captain Senior Year<br>
Drama Club<br>
Tennis - Captain Senior Year<br>
Peer Mediation<br>
Literary Magazine - Editor in Chief Senior Year<br>
Multicultural Club - President
Campus Ministry<br>
<p>My recs will hopefully be good and my essay is being worked on. I need to reflect that I am not a cookie-cutter person... which I think my teachers will say in the recs.</p>
<p>Chance me please! ^^</p>