<p>Hi CC members,</p>
<p>I didn't know a lot about colleges until three years ago. Since I was small, I thought will just go to a state university like UCLA or UCBerkeley and never really looked into the east coast schools. I figured ivy leagues are out of reach, that even if I get in, going to a state university will be better because state universities provide more scholarships/grants. Furthermore, my older sisters recommend to just go to a state university because the bachelor degree from an ivy league and a state university will weigh almost the same (maybe the one from ivy league is a little better but not worth the amount of extra effort put into it). So with these two reasons, I blocked ivy leagues from my college list. However, I met some amazing people who are going to the east ivy schools and started to wonder maybe I can go there too. But all I really know about the east coast are the brand name ivy schools: Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Brown, etc. Can you guys please chance me for these schools and give more information about them? I'm a junior so I still have time to develop my college list but I don't want to apply to a school that I will have no chance of getting in or apply to a school simply because of its prestigious name.</p>
<p>Schools to chance: UCLA, UCBerkeley, UCSan Diego's BSMD program, Stanford (my first choice), Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, NYU, Columbia, UPenn (I actually didn't know about UPenn until a classmate got in last year and bragged about it)</p>
<p>Constructive criticism is well-appreciated here =]
Okay here we go</p>
<p>Race: Asian
Junior, class of 2012, female
First generation college goers (dad high school graduate, mom never grad high school)
First generation grow up in America (I usually incorporate the immigration to boost my profile)</p>
<p>10th Grade classes and grades:
-English 10HP A
-Pre-Calc/Calculus A HP A
-Spanish 3 A
-Orchestra (viola) A
-Academic Decathlon (only 1st semester) A
-Chemistry HP A
-Yoga A</p>
<p>11th Grade classes and grades (1st 6 weeks):
-Biology AP A
-Orchestra (principle viola) A
-Spanish 4 A
-Calc BC A
-Chemistry AP A
-English Comp AP A-</p>
<p>Concurrent Enrollment at the local college (get college credit for all of these)
-Music 1 A
-History 1 A
-History 2 A (History 1 and 2 count for World History)
-History 11 A
-History 12 A (History 11 and 12 count for US History
-English 1 A (Currently enrolled, college level english in case I don't get a 5 on AP)
-Computer Science 3 A (Currently enrolled, only some universities accept this class's credit)</p>
<p>Current Unweighted GPA: 4.00 (although it might go down to 3.9 by the end of this year because I have the hardest English AP teacher on campus and English is my weakest subject!)
2009 PSAT 204
2010 Oct 9 SAT 2190 (I waited until I get my first SAT score to ask for chancing)
-Critical Reading 670
-Math 750
-Writing 770 (Funny, Writing has always been my weakest subject since I'm an English learner. I had expected to get a 650-700 on Writing and an 800 on math because these are the scores I usually get on the practice tests...what an upside down test score)</p>
-President of Invisible Children Club (been in the club for 3 years)
-Principle violist (been playing viola for 6 years)
-Long history of Spanish study (5 years)
-Solar Boat 2009 and 2010 (built 2 solar boats in competition)
-Red Cross Youth Coordinator (3 years)
-Teach-And-Test (3 years, an ocean water research group funded by Surfrider Club)</p>
<p>Summer Experiences:
Summer of 2008- English Honors Bridge (to build my english skills and prepare for English 9HP)
Summer 2009- California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (designed a robot capable of going through any maze; a 4-week residential program at UCDavis)
Summer 2010- National Security Language Institute for Youth (a federally funded program that sends high school students on an all-expense paid trip to critical languages countries to act as ambassadors and learn the critical language for 7 weeks in a host-stay. I went to Guangzhou and met people from literally all over the world: Russia, Denmark, Korea, Philippines, England, etc)</p>
<p>Awards and Honors</p>
<p>Jun. 2009 Delians Honors Award
Jun. 2009 California Scholarship Federation
Jun. 2009 National Honor Society
Jun. 2008 National Honor Junior Society
Jun. 2008 Mathematic Award</p>
<p>Again, please chance me for the ivy leagues! Stanford (my first choice), Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, NYU, Columbia, UPenn</p>
<p>Thank you so much for taking the time to read this thread and chance me. =]</p>
<p>EDIT: or provide some possible match schools =]. I like big schools that's within distance to the city. I'm not religious affiliated (I avoid religious affiliated schools). I'm mostly interested in the sciences. My current (because it surely will change) prospective major is Biomedical Engineering simply because i like biology and i like Engineering so I figured those two combined= biomedical Engineering</p>