<p>Am I considered a first generation college student if my mom went to college for a couple of years but never got a degree? No one else in my immediate family went to college.</p>
<p>No. She has some college education.</p>
<p>Most schools determine first-generation college by asking about degrees held by your parents. If she doesn’t have a degree, then you wouldn’t list that information on the application, so you would be considered a first-gen college student.</p>
<p>Each school evaluates it differently. For some it is based on whether anyone has ever attended college, for others it is whether anyone has graduated.</p>
<p>^^^ Erin’s Dad is right, you need to check with each school to see which definition they use.</p>
<p>is this information online or would i have to email the admissions committee?</p>
<p>You could try searching on the college websites, but just in my general rustling around the admissions webpages, I’ve never seen and information about first gens. I’d go ahead and email the admissions office for their definition.</p>