First-Year Information packet???

<p>My friend just got an email from Cornell University's Engineering Advising, he forwarded the email to me and it says they mailed First-Year Information packets in late May, early June. I am in CAS but receive neither the packet nor any email. What's happening? What would happen if I didn't even get the Student Information Card by June 30, 2008?</p>

<p>Below is the email.</p>

<p>First-Year Information packets were initially mailed to you in late May, early June. It has been brought to our attention that some of you have not yet completed the Student Information Card. Rather than risk you not receiving this mailing in a timely manner, we are referring you to the following web site</p>

<p>Cornell</a> Engineering : Orientation</p>

<p>which contains all of the information in the mailing. Please read all of the information on this site and all links on this site, paying specific attention to the Student Information Card at</p>

<p>Cornell</a> Engineering : First-Year Student Information Form</p>

<p>The Student Information Card needed to be completed by June 30, 2008, so we could develop an appropriate schedule for you for the fall semester as well as assign you a faculty advisor. Please submit your Student Information Card on-line at the web site above.</p>

<p>I advise that you call Cornell immediately and ask them what happened.</p>

<p>Often, in the gigantic ****fest that is college filing, things get lost, addresses get swapped, crates of letters get misplaced. Most of the time, the issue is rectified immediately. In your case, it seems like it was not.</p>

<p>Do not panic. Get a good night's sleep, and call Cornell nice and early tomorrow, after 9AM.</p>

<p>On the other hand...</p>

<p>You did say that your friend was in a different school than you were. Maybe...just maybe...could that stuff be Cornell Engineering specific?</p>

<p>Regardless, call them anyways. Better paranoid than screwed.</p>

<p>hear they went out late..i think many people are starting to see them come ni this week, exact copy of it is online at i think,</p>

<p>I think that information packet is only for engineering students.</p>