First year resumes: so just how much high school stuff should go on them?

<p>I'm looking at my school's cavlink. Obviously I am not (yet) qualified for many work study offers that are specialised for grad students, undergrads (e.g. nursing students) who are well on their way to their degree, etc. and yet at the same time there seem to be some fairly ambitious positions open to first years. Apparently with an electronic system you are supposed to attach an uploaded resume ... even if you're applying to be part of the football team's water crew.</p>

<p>How different should a first year resume differ from say, the kind of resumes you send to admissions committees, or scholarship committees? How much of it should mention high school accomplishments (since as a first year you don't really have much accomplishments yet)? Do you gradually take them off and replace them with college accomplishments as you progress through college?</p>

<p>Add high school and college accomplishments on your resume. Employers know that you are still in school and haven't been working in the real world yet.</p>

<p>Yes, but what should be excluded that would otherwise go on say, an admissions or a scholarship resume?</p>