FIT Fall 2021 Admissions

I am so anxious, I do not even have the 3rd checkmark next to “initial financial review”, it’s still an exclamation point :tired_face:. Maybe FIT is updating based on regions? I am in the south of the east coast, I hope they get to me soon

i have third check by initial and waiting to be reviewed by final review. i feel pretty confident however so it’s only a matter of time before i receive my acceptance

Do you or anyone know how the financial aid checklist gets updated for those who didn’t file fafsa? Maybe we just have to wait for the emails?

Ahhh! I don’t have a check either. I’m from the northeast though. Hopefully they’ll be updating as they go :grimacing:

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So I check my fit account again and it’s says, award available pending admissions. Do anybody knows what that mean? I also have a green check mark by it.

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Did you get an email on your personal email or thru FIT email? I’m not sure if my daughter has her FIT email up yet.

Congratulations! i have all 3 green checks and award pending admission also. Fingers crossed !

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Yes the Fit email and the email on file with fit.

Yes, those letters come out first. I haven’t heard of anyone else that got in that was not PS

QUESTION: anyone who’s heard back, when did you apply? I’m wondering if they just haven’t gotten to me. I submitted my SUNY application in December, but I didn’t submit my portfolio until the day before the deadline.

I sent my portfolio in December and everything else in January. I think only Presidential Scholars have heard thus far. I wouldn’t worry!

Yes, don’t worry. FIT doesn’t have rolling admission so the people who submitted earlier have no advantage over the people who submitted on the due date. They are communicating the acceptance in batches, according to previous years. The first batch is the Presidential Scholar students around 3/23. Then the second batch of acceptance is to students with advanced standing the following week. Advanced standing means students with AP credits or other transferable credits from dual credit or dual enrollment. Then the third batch on 4/1 for the rest of the students. I don’t know the order of how they communicate WITHIN each batch, whether it’s alphabetical or by geography. Does anyone else know from previous years? FYI, the acceptance email went to my daughter’s FIT email as well as the email she gave on her application.


I feel you! We’re in the same boat! Fingers crossed for us all!

Could your daughter access the deposit payment before she was accepted?

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I’’ m advanced standing so that’s great to hear. Hope i will hear very soon!


I also checked the FIT website and IB HL credits are also transferable if you scored over a 4.

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okok so my financial checklist hasn’t changed but under the Award Overview tab, what used to be 0s in every category, is now my financial info. Did this happen to anyone else?

I just got my acceptance to the Illustration program via email
!!! I’m not a Presidential scholar or anything just a normal applicant.


I just got my acceptance as well! But it didn’t say anything about presidential scholars.


yes that’s how mine is as well. Still waiting to hear…